In The News: The Promises of Modern Science

scienceWhile doing some research on the internet this past week, I came across the poster reproduced to the left. (The text reads: “Modern Science will save the world – or kill us all”

The poster is designed to dramatize that science/technology is commonly a two edged sword. The same technology that has produced nuclear power also produced the nuclear bomb. The invention of the combustible engine allows us to travel hundreds of miles in a day, but also has led to a number of potentially serious environmental problems—to say nothing of nearly $4.00 per gallon gasoline prices! The internet allows us access to almost unlimited information instantaneously, yet its largest tenant is the pornographer.

Many people believe that modern science truly will be the savior of mankind. In February of 1950, Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article entitled Miracles You Will See in the Next 50 Years. The author, Waldemar Kaempffert, was the science editor for the New York Times. He predicted among other things, that by the year 2000:

  • You would see no pollution.
  • There would be widespread nuclear and solar energy.
  • Steel would seldom be used in construction.
  • Insulation in homes would be only 1” thick.
  • Wood, stone, and brick would no longer be used in building homes because they would be too expensive.
  • Every part of a home would be synthetic, and it would only cost $5,000 to build.
  • Much of the food would be synthesized from wood pulp and sawdust, and food shortages would no longer exist.
  • Weather forecasting would be completely accurate, and man would have figured out how to control storms.
  • Families would travel in personal helicopters.
  • 70 year olds would look like they were 40 years old.

I could go on an on. Interestingly, the article ends with a note that in the year 2000, everybody would be living much the same life. The author’s final words were,

“And after all, is the standardization of life to be deplored if we can have a house like Joe Dobson’s, a standardized helicopter, luxurious standardized household appointments, and food that was out of the reach of any Roman emperor?”

Herein lies the problem. The salvation of man is equated by science to comfort and affluence. Science is the answer, because science will get rid of disease, poverty, and give man a life of ease. The problem with this scenario is two-fold.

First, science has not solved these problems. In fact, most of society’s problems are as bad or worse now than they were in the 1950’s. Technology has certainly made life easier in some respects, but it hasn’t been a panacea for mankind.

Second, the salvation man needs is from sin. No matter the utopia man might develop on earth, the whole point of living is to get to heaven after this life is over. The human condition is ultimately improved solely through faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only Savior of mankind. Remember our purpose in living, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: