An Evil Common Among Men


The wise man of Ecclesiastes used his book to consider the vanity of life lived under the sun. Put simply, life is not fair, and seeking for lasting happiness and value by trusting in the here and now is a mistake. He illustrated the main point of his treatise in chapter six by noting “an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men.” It was not an evil in the same sense we typically use it, that is, sin. Rather, it was the observation that many receive great physical blessings from God, but before they can be enjoyed, they lose their ability to enjoy their blessings. It may be illness, tragedy, or death, but “a foreigner consumes it” instead of them. “This is vanity, and it is an evil affliction” (vs. 1-2).

Consider this lesson, “For who knows what is good for man in life, all the days of his vain life which he passes like a shadow? Who can tell what will happen after him under the sun?” (12).

Rather than seeking joy and happiness in this fickle world, with all its injustice and uncertainty, the wise man instead places his hope in heaven. In order to gain that eternal reward, it is necessary to live a life of faithful obedience! “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil” (12:13-14).

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Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: