Sermon: Walking in Truth

Walking in Truth

A discussion about the emphasis that John places upon obedience to the truth that abides in us, using the text of 2 John. Truth, commandments, doctrine, they all mean the same thing in the context of the epistle. This is necessary for fellowship with God.

Included in the lesson is this wonderful poem about God’s word, attributed to John Clifford.

The Anvil of God’s Word
“Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door,
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
Then looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers, worn with beating years of time.

“‘How many anvils have you had,’ said I,
‘To wear and batter all these hammers so?’
‘Just one,’ said he, and then with twinkling eye,
‘The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.’

“And so, I thought, the Anvil of God’s Word
For ages skeptic blows have beat upon;
Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard,
|The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers gone.”

Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: