COVID-19 (3) I Have an Idea


People are bound to be going stir crazy with the shelter in place orders here and around the nation. There have been quite a few jokes about sitting on the couch binging favorite Netflix shows. I’m showing my age. I have never associated binging with watching TV. In my day binging had to do with a half gallon of Bluebell icecream!

Regardless, we live such fast paced lives, that there is a silver lining that comes with quarantine. As long as we have enough food, and are healthy, it gives us time for family, to catch up on long neglected chores, and even to do some reorganizing of our priorities.

It also gives us more time for reading, and there is nothing better than reading God’s word. So, I have a challenge I would like to give you while you are under “house arrest.” In the month of April, read the entire New Testament, from start to finish. My copy of the New Testament has 200 pages. There are 30 days in April. It would require reading less than 7 pages a day to finish the New Testament in a month. It’s really not that hard!

One more challenge. As you read through, pick a theme, topic, word or idea. Every time the text touches on it, either highlight it, or make note of it in a journal. My suggestion would be the idea of christian duty. Every time a passage indicates something that we should do, a positive action like loving others, praying, showing hospitality, worshiping, studying God’s word, evangelizing, make note of it!

In a month’s time, I promise you that you will be glad you made this simple investment in your spiritual growth. Try it!

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Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: