A Righteous Person


In Titus 3, the apostle Paul gave instructions to Titus as an evangelist about what he must teach. These instructions serve to express, through positive affirmation and negative rebuke, the type of person a Christian should be. Consider the following attributes, taken from the list:

  • Obedient to civil authorities
  • Ready for every good work
  • Unwilling to speak evil of others
  • Peaceable, gentle, humble to all men
  • Wise, obedient, perceptive, self-controlled
  • Refusing anger, malice, envy and hate
  • Careful to maintain good works
  • Avoiding foolish arguments
  • A maker of peace with brethren
  • One who rejects those who bring division

A Christian should be pleasant to be around. He recognizes the importance of getting along, having a selfless and perceptive mind, and being in control of his impulses. Seldom will he be a part of conflict, and then only when the defense of truth is required. Because he emulates his Lord, he seeks to be a positive influence on others, making their eternal welfare his priority.

Look at the list, and determine what improvements might be needed to be the kind of person God wants you to be! “Let our people also learn to maintain good works” (14).

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Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ http://watchmanmag.com) ........ Writer, The Patternists: https://www.facebook.com/ThePatternists