Mining the Scriptures: Philippians 1:19-20

In our text, Paul is unsure of whether he will live or die as he awaits his judgment from Caesar. So, his words, “For I know” should indicate faith rather than certainty. Paul was always willing to accede to God’s plan, but he believed the Lord would want him to continue his ministry to the Philippians and others.  “…to remain in the flesh is more needful for you” (24).

Paul believed in the power of the Philippians’ prayers for him. He also believed in the ability and willingness of Jesus Christ to spare Him should he so desire. Paul was also confident that His ministry and life was in accord with the Lord’s will.

As such, his expectation (indicates an intense watching) and hope (desire and expectation) is that his life at present, and that which would follow would lead to God’s approval. He would not be ashamed.  There would be no legitimate reproach found in his suffering (cf. 1 Peter 4:16), and God would be glorified both through his life and also his death should he be martyred for the cause.

Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: