Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists:

Sermon: Examining Our Claims of Salvation

Examining Our Claims of Salvation

Each of us should carefully and honestly examine the circumstances surrounding our own claimed conversion, to ensure that what happened is actually what God requires for us to be saved.

Sermon: Proper Attitudes Toward One Another

Proper Attitudes Toward One Another

As we work together as brethren, certain attitudes will help us to be successful in our efforts.

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Sermon: Liberty in Christ Jesus

Liberty in Christ Jesus

We have obtained liberty in Christ. Why would anyone want to return to a law that did not bring liberty, but rather bondage?

Lessons from a Barren Fig Tree

Barren Fig Tree

In Luke 13, Jesus spoke a parable discussing the need for repentance. He pictured a fig tree that did not bear fruit. The master of the vineyard told the keeper to cut it down, “why does it use up the ground?” (7). The keeper asked for another season to cultivate and fertilize it, with the hope that it would bear fruit. “And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down” (9).

The parable mirrors the petition made by Abraham to God, who had determined to destroy the city of Sodom, (Genesis 18:16-33). Abraham asked that the city be spared if fifty righteous souls could be found. He continued to intercede until God decided to spare the city if only ten righteous souls could be identified. Alas, the city was fully given over to ungodliness, and God destroyed the city.

A couple of things to note about the parable. First, there is no indication whether the master of the vineyard spared the tree for another season. (The petition was made, but we don’t know if it was granted). Second, without a change (from non-fruit bearing to fruit bearing) the fate of the tree was sealed.

How does this parable apply to us? First, we must note that our opportunity to repent is dependent upon God’s longsuffering. We may be granted a stay from judgment, but we have no guarantee beyond today! (cf. 2 Peter 3:9-10). Second, without repentance from our sins, our fate is also sealed. Twice in our context, our Lord said, “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (3, 5).

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Sermon: Teach Me, O Lord (Psalm 25)

Teach Me O Lord

The Psalmist asked God to “show me Your ways”, “teach me Your paths”, “lead me in Your truth.” Jesus has done all of these things for us!

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Sermon: Individuals Helping Individuals


Speaker: Justin Carrell

As Christians, it is our duty and should be our desire to be helpful one to another.

Sermon: Philip’s Work in Samaria (Acts 8)

Philip Work in Samaria

A study of Philip’s ministry among the Samaritans, recorded in Acts 8.

Sermon: Knowledge VS Love

Knowledge VS Love

Knowledge can bring arrogance, if it is not tempered by the love of a Christian. Though knowledge is good, love must be present too, in order to please God.

Guard the Faith


As an evangelist, Timothy had a wonderful teacher, who instructed him in the gospel of Christ. The great apostle Paul took a personal interest in the young man, and called upon Timothy to “Guard what was committed to your trust” (1 Timothy 6:20).

The Greek word translated “Guard,” (or “Keep” in the KJV), means to guard or preserve. An evangelist is certainly not to guard the faith in the sense of keeping it from others. Rather, he is to guard or preserve the integrity of the faith that is committed to his trust.

In fact, the phrase “committed to your trust” indicated that Timothy had a responsibility to pass on to others the exact message of truth that he himself had received. As we consider the extant dangers listed by Paul in the context, “profane and idle babblings”, “contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge”, we see that such corruptions of the truth lead to a disciple straying.

One of the primary responsibilities of the child of God is to, “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Jude speaks of “certain men”, “ungodly men”, who corrupt the truth of God, and in so doing defile themselves, and those who hear them.

As an evangelist, Timothy had a special burden in defending the truth. No man who claims to be an evangelist is worth his salt if he does not stand up to the error that is present in every generation. Not only is a preacher to be a proclaimer, he is to be a guardian of the truth!

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Micky Galloway Meeting – Spring 2022

Micky Galloway of Lancaster, CA preached a meeting from May 7-12, 2022 at the West Side congregation. Below are the Titles of the sermons, a short description, and links to the sermon audio, video and powerpoint files of each lesson preached.

Saturday Night: The Majesty of God

A lesson designed to enourage respect, awe and acknowledgment of God’s power and majesty as our Creator.

Sunday 9AM: The Spiritual Man

The lesson contrasts the carnal man with the spiritual man, teaching us how to live so as to please God always.

Sunday 10AM: Grace Came Teaching

A discussion of Paul’s declaration in Titus 2:11-12, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.”

Sunday 11AM: The Man of God

A discussion of the text of 1 Timothy 6:11-14, and the phrase “the man of God.” The text describes both what such a man flees, and what he pursues.

Monday Night: God Rules in the Kingdoms of Men

In this lesson, God’s interaction with His people, and the nations used to chastise them is discussed. In this we see God’s plan, and His control over all the nations.

Tuesday Night: Challenges in the First Century Church

In the first century, congregations of God’s people were challenged in similar ways as we are today. Sin, persecution at the hand of secular leaders, and inward apathy.

Wednesday Night: Challenges for Every Generation

The lesson shows how, like the Christians of the first century, every generation of God’s children will be challenged by dangers from both within and wihtout.

Thursday Night: What Does the Future Hold?

When the question is asked, the correct answer is, “It depends!” It depends upon the individual, and their response to God’s will.

Sermon: Can Evolution Be True?

Can Evolution Be True

The universe, the world, and all life in it has been created by the Almighty God of heaven. The theory of evolution can not account for design in the universe, and is not true.

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Sermon: Abide in the Love of Christ


With Jesus, concepts of love, joy and obedience go hand in hand. We need to abide in Him and His love.

Sermon: The Frist and Last Adam

The First and Last Adam

The lesson compares Adam to Christ, listing both their similarities as a Type/Antitype comparison, as well as their differences.

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Sermon: What It Means to Transform (Romans 12)

What It Means to Transform

A short 10 minute invitation talk, explaining Romans 12:1-2, by noting the further context in the remainder of the chapter.

Sermon: Eternal Life? The Old Testament Answer

Graphic 450 X 236

Numerous Old Testament passages clearly teach the concept of life after physical death. (Job 19:25-27; Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 49; Genesis 5:24 and 2 Kings 2:11; 2 Samuel 12:22-23).

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