Category: Abortion
Subject: Abortion
Mining the Scriptures: Luke 1:39-45
In Luke 1:36, Elizabeth (an older woman) is identified as a relative of the virgin Mary. She had conceived in her old age, blessed by God, and would eventually give birth to John the Baptist.
Mary went to Elizabeth, and when they met, we are told, the babe leapt in Elizabeth’s womb. This is a strong pro-life passage. The word babe is from the Greek brephos and refers, depending upon the passage, to either an unborn child or a small child, an infant. Two things are noted in verse 41. The fetus was a baby, and the baby “leaped” indicating life. This is scripture and logical. Only God has the right to determine when life begins, not men. It seems here that the unborn child of Elizabeth is regarding by the Holy Spirit as being alive.
Elizabeth understood the significance of the visit. She called Mary, the “mother of my Lord” (43). She was honored by the visit.
Verse 45 indicates that Elizabeth recognized the faith of Mary. Mary believed what the angel said. Mary could be said to be the first to have faith in Jesus. Her life from that point on would be eventful!
A Woman’s Reproductive Rights
Everyone recognizes the physical differences between men and women (though some seek to blur the differences for political purposes). One difference is that God created the woman to cradle the unborn in her womb as the child grows and develops sufficiently to be born.
A wonderful passage in Luke reveals the conversation between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth said to her, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (1:42). Most women rejoice at the news they are pregnant, and revel in their unique position as the protectors of the unborn. Author Maureen Hawkins wrote concerning her child, “Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of love.” So many women feel the same. Continue reading “A Woman’s Reproductive Rights” →
Roe V Wade Overturned!!!
While sitting at my computer considering what articles to write for the week, I witnessed the reaction of demonstrators to the news that Roe V Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court by a 5-4 majority.
The decision (depending upon the relative position) is being rejoiced about, or mourned. This is one of the few issues where there is little grey are. It is black and white.
Regardless, overturning Roe V Wade does not end abortion in America. It is doubtful it will make it more rare, as it simply passes on the obligation for determine its legality back to the individual states.
Treating Symptoms
The latest mass shooting hit me a bit close to home. I was born in Lubbock, but was raised in Odessa, TX. I am a graduate of Odessa High School, where I met my wife. Our wedding was held at the West 22nd Street church building, just down the street from the elementary school I attended as a child.
We have a big problem in our nation. Gun violence is disturbingly common. It is, however, one of the most visible symptoms of a much deeper societal problem. Politicians are seeking solutions, but don’t seem to have a willingness to acknowledge the underlying disease that has afflicted our people. Perhaps it is time to turn to scripture for a true cure, rather than seeking merely to treat the symptoms of our broken nation.
Sermon: A Christian’s View of the Unborn
A Christian’s view of the unborn requires a respect for the sanctity of life, even in the womb. In the face of societal division, the Christian should bring light, not heat to the discussion.
Sermon: Ethics (God VS Man)
The views that men hold regarding what is right and what is wrong often are at odds with what the Bible teaches. This lesson seeks to note those differences in the realm of man’s treatment of animals. Emphasis is made on what the word of God teaches regarding man’s responsibility toward the rest of creation.
Sermon: Respecting the Sanctity of Life
The lesson discusses the Biblical view of the sanctity of life, making applications with regard to the death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, and what constitutes murder.
Cultural Newspeak
In George Orwell’s classic novel 1984 , the government sought to limit freedoms, and influence thought, by introducing a variation of English called “Newspeak.” The idea was for the government to establish words with specific meanings, and to eliminate words that contained thoughts that were possibly antagonistic to the government’s purposes.
I find it interesting in our day that something similar is occurring. Definitions of words are being changed as a means of promoting new ideas and values while at the same time discouraging values that society no longer considers acceptable. Since those unacceptable values are often held by Christians, those who hold their faith dear are being marginalized by society. Let me supply a few examples:
Why I Oppose Abortion
I oppose abortion for one simple reason, I believe it to be the killing of an innocent human being. The premeditated killing of another human is murder. I believe abortion is murder.
I base my view that abortion is murder on two things. First, my understanding of how God views the unborn. There are numerous instances, some subtle, some overt, where God identifies the unborn as a child. For example, consider Luke’s description of the as yet unborn John, a cousin of Jesus, “And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:41). Second, my own senses. I have seen sonograms of unborn children, both static images and video. I have heard the heartbeat, I have felt the kicks of a child in the womb. It is obvious the babe in the womb is human, and alive.
I am disheartened and disgusted by the recent exchanges on the issue that have been reported in the media. Consider the following:
In the News: The Colorado City Murders
Last week a mentally unbalanced man named Robert Dear killed three people in Colorado City, Colorado. The location of the attack was a Planned Parenthood clinic.
The statement above contains one assumption, that the man was mentally unbalanced. It is admittedly an assumption, but there are a number of facts that seem to bear out the assessment. First, there is the deranged look of the man in his booking photos. Second, there is the characterization of the man’s interaction with police which was described in numerous press reports as incoherent ramblings. Finally there are the descriptions of witnesses of a man who was a loner, a recluse who lived by himself in an isolated shack without plumbing or electricity. In many ways, he seems reminiscent of the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski.
In the News: A False Dichotomy
I don’t know about you, but I’m afraid I might throw a rock through my television screen before the ongoing Presidential race is settled more than a year from now.
The political discourse in our nation is full of partisanship. It is commonly charged that if you hold a particular view, you automatically are diametrically opposed to another precept that all hold dear. The partisanship is found on each end of the spectrum. A part of it is seen in the view that “our guy” can do no wrong, and if he is proven to have done so, he is to be excused; while “their guy” is obviously worthy of being horsewhipped at the slightest suspicion of wrongdoing.
Sermon: Products of Our Environment
False views on Grace, Abortion & Modesty all serve to illustrate the subtle, corrupting influence of the world upon teaching and morality.
In the News: Abortion Obscenity
By now you may have viewed the two hidden camera videos of representatives of Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of fetal tissue to a supposed bio-medical research firm. It is illegal to sell human fetal tissue, which may lead to legal problems for the organization.
Already, politicians are calling for a full investigation, and there is a call to defund Planned Parenthood, which received about half of its total funding (45%, 540 million dollars) from government grants in the fiscal year ending in June 2013. In 2012, the organization performed a self-reported 327,166 abortions.