Category: Church

Subject: Church

Sermon: In My Father’s House are Many Mansions

John 35

In lesson 35 of the series, the discussion centers on the first 6 verses of Jesus’ address to His disciples on the night of His betrayal. (John 14:1-6).

Sermon: Being a Place for Growth


Speaker: Justin Carrell.

It is important for our congregation that we be a safe and welcoming place, that each of us are able to confess our failings, and grow spiritual as we love one another.

Sermon: What is Autonomy?

What is Autonomy

A discussion of the concept of autonomy, as it is revealed in the New Testament scriptures. The questions asked and answered, Are local congregations autonomous? What does that mean?

Sermon: Denominationalism


A discussion contrasting contemporary attitudes regarding denominationalism, and what the Bible teaches on the matter.

Sermon: The Curious Case of Micah and His Idols

Micah and His Idols

Micah was one in Israel (like many others) who did what was right in his own eyes (cf. Judges 17:6). His willful, uninformed worship of God teaches us much about the dangers present in our own day.

Sermon: The Church as Family


Speaker: Ian Tilley

Ian Tilley describes and shows by the scripture what it is like to be a member of a faithful congregation of God’s people. As Christians, we are a family!

Sermon: Shake Hands and Be Friendly, Brethren!


Because of the circumstances of the day, it is a challenge for us to maintain our familial affection and closeness as a congregation. However, it is important to our spiritual welfare, and it is required of us by God.

Sermon: The Church Belongs to Christ!

Church Belongs to Christ2

The New Testament is full of proofs that the church belongs to Christ. Since this is true, it is the responsibility of the church to accept His headship and authority, and limit themselves to His desires for her.

Sermon: The Big Picture

Justin Carrell exhorts the brethren to careful self-examination. In this way, we can be sure what our talents, purpose and position is in the Lord’s church, and ensure we are living up to our capabilities.

Sermon: Church Exhortations

Speaker: Josh Cox

Josh turns to 1 Corinthians 3 to see what was lacking among the Corinthians and Paul’s response. He appeals Christians today to make appropriate applications.

COVID-19 (33) Worshiping the Creature Rather Than the Creator


A couple of days ago I watched a discussion regarding the ongoing protests in America. The premise was the seeming desire of protestors to abolish the institutions and way of life that has characterized America from the beginning.

As a response to the part that racism plays in the conflict, the host of the program (a news anchor) referred to the Declaration of Independence. She said that the declaration clearly states that “nature has created all of us as equals.”

Continue reading “COVID-19 (33) Worshiping the Creature Rather Than the Creator”

Sermon: Fundamental Truths About the Church

Fundamental Truths about the Church

This lesson discusses the Who? What? When? Where? and Why? about the Lord’s church.

Sermon: The Scriptural Meaning of the Word “Church”

Religious people today use the word “church” in ways that are obviously not scriptural. If we respect God’s word and His will for man, we will be careful of our usage of the term, and align ourselves with those who recognize and respect the church as He made it.

Sermon: Hope, Self Esteem and Our Spiritual Family

Speaker: Josh Jackson

The world struggles with despair. The rise in suicide, drug abuse and sexual promiscuity are all indicators of dysfunction. The answer to these problems is spiritual in nature. Hope, Self-Esteem and the spiritual family of God.

Is Church Important?

Church Sign small

In answer to the question above, it certainly is important to God! The act of His son’s sacrifice on the cross was to, “purchase with His own blood” the church (cf. Acts 20:28).

The term church, used correctly, refers to the redeemed. “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).

There is no more important fellowship of which to be a part. And, understanding the importance of the church, perhaps it is good to consider the purpose of its establishment.

Men have ideas about this. They believe the church should be an agent of societal change. Of course, there are many such organizations that exist, so the church would only be another voice in the crowd.

Some think the church is simply a community of people who enjoy each other’s company. The church is a place to visit, eat and play together with people you like. A kind of social club. Many congregations make socializing the primary emphasis.

God said the church was established to save people. “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned'” (Mark 16:15-16).

The Lord’s church is unique in the world. It is the divine institution given the responsibility by God to share the precious message of salvation. It is disturbing that men would trivialize it by giving it purposes and works that are neither unique nor divinely authorized.

The West Side church of Christ focuses on God’s work. We would love to have you come visit our worship services. If you do, you have this promise – the effort to save and strengthen souls will be the focus of our worship, teaching and work. That’s what God wants, what we want, and we hope it is your desire as well. Please come join us!

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