Category: Church
Subject: Church
Sermon: Tim Stevens Meeting, Spring 2019
1 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to the Future of the Church?
2 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Forgiveness?
3 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Anger?
4 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Time?
5 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Attitude Toward God’s Word?
6 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Influence?
7 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Humility & Servitude?
8 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Repentance?
9 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Persecution & Endurance?
“But God composed the body”
In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul expressed the importance of every single Christian doing his or her part to bring growth to the local congregation. He noted that each individual member is unique, “And the eye cannot say to the hand, ’I have no need of you’; nor again the head to the feet, ’I have no need of you’” (21). He concluded that even those members who seem to be weaker “are necessary” (22).
Do we have the same view of our participation in congregational activities and duties? Do we consider our part to be necessary? Or even important?
Paul clearly states that “God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased” (18). “But God composed the body…” (24).
Never underestimate your importance to God and His people. Never underestimate what God expects of you, and how much His people need you to do your part.
Paul wrote, “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (27). We need you to be an active member of the West Side congregation. We need to grow spiritually every day, and diligently perform the duties our Lord expects of our congregation. We can’t do that unless each and every one of us are doing our part. You are special! God knows it, and so do we. Do you?
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Sermon: Congregational Autonomy
A discussion and defining of the scriptural concept of congregational autonomy, coupled with an examination of historical abuses.
Sermon: The Church – God’s Family
The lesson discusses the various attributes that should be present in the church, which is described as God’s family. They are Love, Selflessness, Unity, Affection, Dependability and Encouragement.
Sermon: Desperately Seeking Relevance
The lesson seeks to establish the proper response of God’s people to a world that is indifferent to Christ and His church.
Sermon: Church of Christ FAQ Sheet
A number of Frequently Asked Questions about the Lord’s church, answered in this sermon.
Sermon: Some Identifying Marks of the Lord’s Church
The description given of the Lord’s church in the New Testament differs markedly from the denominations today. His church, however, exists and is identifiable in our time.
Sermon: Some Facts about the church of Christ
The Lord’s church is very different from the religious denominations you typically see in America. This sermon discusses some of the things that makes the church of Christ unique.
Challenges Confronting the Church
This class consisted of four lessons, taken from Mark Copeland’s topical sermon series. I chose four lessons from that series:
The class took place on each Wednesday evening in December, 2016. The material consists of:
The four lessons (the material is the same as it appears on brother Copeland’s site, except for reformatting.
The teacher’s notes (some highlighting, and the addition of scriptures)
Audio of the four classes
Lesson 1Challenges-Intro
Lesson 2Challenges-Denominationalism
Lesson 3Challenges-Secularism
Lesson 4 Challenges-Traditionalism
“Having then gifts…let us use them”
Lesson 2 of 9, Fall 2016 Gospel Meeting. Speaker: Jeremiah Cox.
God does not accept idleness in His people. Each of us has the ability and opportunity to do work for the Lord.
Sermon: The Church and Politics
There are civil laws governing how involved churches may become in the political arena. More importantly, there are guidelines that the church and individual Christians are given by God. These must be respected and obeyed!
The Patternists: What is the name of your church?
“What is the name of your church?” We are asked that question often. It is a question that often arises from a denominational mindset. The answer they are expecting is something along the lines: the Baptist church, or the Methodist church, or the Catholic church.
In the New Testament, the church is never given a proper name. The greek work (ekklesia) from which the word church is translated has reference to an assembly or congregation. It literally means “the called out.”
The only proper name given to God’s people is Christian (cf. 1 Peter 4:16).
Some are not satisfied with this, and will continue the question. “What is written on the sign in front of your building?!!” To which we answer, “West Side church of Christ.”
In this we designate that we meet on the west side of Fort Worth, and that we are an assembly or congregation belonging to Christ (cf. Romans 16:16). This is eminently scriptural.
Does your church name follow this scriptural precedent? Or does it indicate a denominational mindset?
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Mission: Possible!
Every TV episode and Movie begins the same way, with a recorded message containing the words: “Your mission, should you choose to accept it…”
I remember as a kid loving the Mission: Impossible television program. It had a group of “cool” spies who were able to accomplish the “impossible” because of their intelligence, bravery and gadgets. Each mission consisted of various stated objectives, authorized by some shadowy governmental agency. They were not freelancers, they followed the directives of the agency. Because of their abilities and position, they were give a job to do, and they did it.
The show came to mind recently as I involved myself in a study of the “mission” given by God to His church. The parallels are obvious, and illustrate the nature of God’s relationship to His people.