Category: Church

Subject: Church

Sermon: The Body of Christ

One of the many metaphors that the Holy Spirit uses to describe the relationship between Jesus Christ and the saved is that of a body. The phrase, “the body of Christ” indicates Jesus’ dominion, and the harmony that should exist when each member of “the body” pulls together in service to the Head.


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Invitation: Our Christian Family

Invitation delivered by: Ben Schmidt

Matthew 12:46-50. One of the most precious families we have is our Christian family. Acts 4:32-37. They are of one heart and one soul, helping one another.


Sermon: When Did Jesus Establish His Kingdom?

Jesus promised to establish his Kingdom in Mark 9:1. Many religious people todaly still look for him to keep that promise. However, he already has. Scriptures are examined to establish at what point the Kingdom came into existence.


FAQ Sheet: Church of Christ

FAQ’s. The acronym is well known with the advent of the internet. Frequently asked questions. Here are some simple answers to frequently asked questions about the church of Christ. Feel free to share with others:

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Sermon: The Church that Jesus Built

The lesson posits that the church that Jesus built can be identifed by its builder, as well as its place and time of origin. This church is the one true church, acceptable to God.


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What Constitutes a STRONG Church

A look at the New Testament reveals that even early in the history of the Lord’s church, some congregations were not as strong as the Lord desired. While Paul’s epistle to the church in Philippi indicated that congregation to be strong and faithful, his first letter to the Corinthians revealed a congregation inundated with spiritual problems, division and worldliness. A quick reading of our Lord’s letters to the seven churches of Asia (in Revelation 2 and 3) shows criticism and a call to repent for all of them, save Smyrna (2:8-11) and Philadelphia (3:7-13).  Note the Lord’s praise for the church in Philadelphia. “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” (10-11).

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Invitation: All Members of the Body are Important

Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera

Armando used the text of 1 Corinthians 12:12-ff to establish the importance of every Christian as we seek to edify one another as members of the body of Christ.


Sermon: The Called Out

The sermon supplies a description of the Lord’s church.


In the News: Southern Baptists Vote…

Image An Associated Press report on June 20, 2012 noted a particular resolution passed almost unanimously by the Southern Baptist convention, held last week in New Orleans.

A day after electing their first black president in a historic move that strives to erase its legacy of racism, Southern Baptists passed a resolution opposing the idea that same-sex marriage is a civil rights issue.

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Sermon: How to be Just a Christian

In this lesson the Seed principle is discussed. When the word of God is planted in purity, what results is a Christian. As such, division and the denominational concept is unacceptable to God.


Sermon: The Importance of Christ’s Church

Many New Testament verses clearly teach the value that Jesus Christ put on the church He purchased with His own blood. As we learn of that importance, the question remains – How much do we value that church?


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“Literally” – A Discussion of Definitions

I recently read an interesting short article on the use of the term “literally” that I want to share with you, then comment upon.

Two Misuses of “Literally”

“He literally knocked his head off.” No. If he had, the head would have rolled across the floor, separated from the body. “Literally,” in that case, is mistakenly used to intensify a figure of speech, but “literally” does not intensify the figure. It says “knocked his head off” is not a figure of speech but a true description of what he did.

Another misuse of “literally” has to do with word meaning. Someone says, “proskuneo ‘literally’ means ‘kiss the ground toward.’” No, proskuneo literally means “worship.” “Kiss the ground toward” is its etymology, how the word was formed. It is also an archaic meaning; as ancient Persians did literally fall on their faces and kiss the feet or hem of the robe of their deified kings. Etymology does not determine meaning; usage does. The New Testament frequently says, “They fell down and worshipped him” (Matthew 2:11; e.g.). “Fell down” is from a different original word, “worshipped” is proskuneo.

“Literally” does not intensify a figure. A word’s etymological meaning is not its “literal” meaning.

Cecil May
Preacher Talk (Vol. 27, No. 2—April 2012)

The first misuse of the term “literally” is typical in casual conversation. While irritating to those who are sensitive to the mangling of the English language, it is innocuous. However, defining biblical terms by their etymology, (or even their assigned dictionary definitions), without considering context, is extremely troubling as we seek to interpret God’s word.

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Are You Serious About Serving God?


(This article originally appeared as a paid ad in (April 2012) in the newspapers published by Suburban Newspapers, Inc. The papers cover five small communities in the Forth Worth area).

In Ecclesiastes 12:13, a very wise man wrote “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” Such a simple truth, but one that is unfortunately seldom heeded.

Why do you go to church? It seems like for a lot of people, worship is entertainment; and a church’s purpose is to facilitate self-actualization. And that seems to be a bit backwards.

Worship should be (and if it is true worship, it is) an offering to God. The purpose of worship is to please God, not to please ourselves. In order for it to please Him, our worship must be in accord with His will. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

The purpose of the church is to do the Lord’s work in the world. It is a religious institution, dedicated to spiritual work. Members share the gospel with the lost, build one another up through worship and fellowship, and engage in benevolent activities. While entertainment and socializing seem to be the central priority of the church experience in our day and time, that is not what God intended for His people. Paul said that the church of the living God is “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

Our view is not a typical way of looking at worship and service to God. Are you serious about your service to Him? Come visit the West Side church of Christ!

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:1-3


Paul, in greeting the Corinthians in his first epistle to the church there, identifies himself as an “apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God.” This was his common greeting, necessitated by the Judaizers who constantly attacked his legitimacy as an ambassador of the Lord.

The letter is written to “the church of God which is at Corinth.” This is not a proper name for the church, but rather a phrase designating ownership. The church belongs to God. The church consists of those who have been called out of the world, separated through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. As such, it is proper only to refer to it as belonging to God, or Jesus (cf. Romans 16:16).

The Greek word ekklesia, from which the English term “church” derives, denotes sanctification. The church is called out, or separated from the world. This is accomplished when an individual, by calling “on the name of Jesus Christ”, is cleansed from sin. He is reconciled to God, and is rightly called a saint. This sanctification, as pointed out here by Paul, is accomplished in Jesus Christ. His sacrifice makes us holy, and separates us from the world.

Sermon: What Do We Require?

What are the requirements of membership in the Lord’s church? Whether the church as the term refers to body of believers, or the local congregation? And, who is it that determines those requirements?


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