Category: Discipleship

Subject: Discipleship

Sermon: Being a Child of God

Bible and Hand

Speaker: Tommy Davis

There is a great cause for joy when one is a child of God!

Sermon: What We Are

An examination of our identity as Christians.


Sermon: Fishers of Men

17 - Fishers of Men

The text of Luke 5:1-11 is examined, noting a conversation Jesus had with Simon Peter, and a notable miracle. Peter, Andrew, James & John all became Jesus’ disciples at this time.


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Sermon: People of the Way

The Way

Acts 9 notes that Saul of Tarsus was seeking to persecute those of “the Way.” What is the origin and significance of that term as it is used to designate the people of God?


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Christians Are…

Christians Are

The various ways that Christians are described – As disciples, saints, brothers, believers, sons of God – all teach important lessons regarding our relationship and obligations to God.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: What if I am a One Talent Man?


Regardless of my talent, I have value to the Lord. I am to be a good steward, and I am promised a wonderful reward!


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Jesus’ Call – “Follow Me”


The concept of discipleship, with its sacrifices as well as its rewards, is summed up in words Jesus spoke numerous times in Matthew’s gospel, “Follow Me.”


The Practice of Discipline


In Romans 16:17, Paul wrote, “Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.”

Some would take this as a mere suggestion, that can be heeded or rejected at our whim. However, we note that Paul was writing this by inspiration. As such this is the urging of the Holy Spirit, not to be taken lightly.

Others had rejected Paul’s instructions regarding disciplining the unruly. The Corinthians had ignored Paul’s admonition to withdraw themselves from a sexually immoral brother (cf. 1 Corinthians 5). In response, Paul wrote, “And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you” (vs. 2). Later in the text, he wrote, “Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” (vs. 6).

When we reject the Holy Spirit’s admonition to discipline the disorderly, we are prideful. Such pride is sinful, and such action is willful. We are not at liberty to disregard God’s instructions on this or any other matter!

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Video: The Circle of Life

Sermon: Following at a Distance

Speaker: Brantley Gallman

Peter’s failing in Luke 22:54, where he “followed at a distance” serves as an object lesson to us.


Sermon: Applying the Fruit of the Spirit to our Lives

Sermon by Bob Ward

Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruit of the Spirit. This lesson examines each attribute, with a call to apply them to our lives.


Sermon: Desiring to Know the Will of God

In spiritual matters, we must be moved by faith’s constant desire to know God’s will. We must be true disciples (learners) of Jesus Christ.


Sermon: Who Are We?

Image Divinely revealed characteristics of what a true Christian is.


Sermon: Integrity

Image The sermon shows that we must walk in integrity (cf. Psalm 26:11) toward ourselves, others, and ultimately, God.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Fighting Against God

Image Conflict both within and without the church is unable to thwart God in His purpose. It is futile to fight against God!


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