Category: New Testament

New Testament

Mining the Scriptures: Mark 1:35-39

Here we see a pattern of Jesus during his adult life, seeking solitude to pray to His Father in heaven. It shows us the importance of such conversations with God, which help to  sustain us and provides comfort and strength to handle whatever comes our way.

As the pattern begins here, near the beginning of his Galilean ministry, it took the followers by surprise. Their teacher had disappeared! We are told that when they finally found the Lord, they said, “Everyone is looking for You.”

Instead of apologizing (He was not sorry for His prayerful preparations, Jesus told them it was time to go to the next towns to continue his ministry. Verse 39 tells us that he went throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons.

Understand the significance of his words, “for this purpose I have come forth” (38). This is the central truth of the entire New Testament, Him coming to establish His covenant for sinful man.


Sermon: Better Than the Angels (Hebrews 1:1-9)

A discussion of Hebrews 1:1-9. Jesus is better both as a spokesman for God, and as a Divine Being, compared to God’s servants, the angels.

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Mining the Scriptures: Galatians 2:17-21

Here, Paul refers to himself and other Jews (as contrasted to Gentiles) and especially Peter as themselves sinners. So, there was nothing in that regard to separate them from the Gentiles.  But, did it follow that Christ made them sinners?  Absolutely not!  Instead, Christ simply reveals what is already so, we are all in need of the grace of God.

It was this truth that made Paul “die to the law that I might live to God” (19).

His purpose was to live for Christ.  In his conversion, his own will became irrelevant.  It was Christ who determined his life.  Such should be so for us as well.  “I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (20).

Christ’s death was useless (vain) if a man could appear just before God as a result of the law of Moses.  But, all have sinned, and there was no provision for grace and mercy under the old law.  Christ is needed, and His death has value for every man.


Sermon: The Mystery Revealed

What do the words mystery and revelation entail? A discussion of the text of Colossians 1:24-29.

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Sermon: Better Than the Angels

An appeal is made to the contrast the Hebrew writer makes in the first chapter of his letter. He clearly shows the superiority of Jesus to the angels of God.

Sermon: The Law of the Heart


Speaker: Tommy Davis

A discussion of the difference between the Old Law (written on tablets), and the New Law, written on the hearts of men.

Sermon: The Old and New Covenants

Speaker: Josh Cox

Josh explains the differences between the covenants, and the purpose the Old Law serves for us today.
