Category: Subject Index
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Sermon: Lies
Speaker: Justin Carrell
Justin seeks to define and explain lying, and discuss why the sin is unacceptable to God.
Sermon: Growing Spiritually
Paralleling spiritual and physical growth, the text of 1 Peter 2 is used to explain the means of obtaining the spiritual growth we seek.
Sermon: A Christian’s Place in the World
A discussion of various passages that describe the relationship that a Christian has to the physical world. The word “world” is used numerous times, and the context indicates the proper definition. A Christian is in the world, but is not to be OF the world.
Sermon: A Plan is Needed!
A plan is needed for the salvation of men. The lesson discusses why men are in need of salvation.
Sermon: Love One Another
Romans 13:8-ff is used to discuss our obligations to love one another.
Sermon: 8 Secrets to Success
Statement of Congregational Action (December 23, 2018)
The men of the West Side congregation have determined that, in order to protect the good reputation of the congregation, it is necessary to make public the events of December 19, 2018. If you wish to read the statement, click on the “continue reading” link below.
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Sermon: “Here Am I Send Me”
Speaker: Josh Cox
The importance of taking our place in service to the Lord.
Raised with Christ
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).
This passage is rightly understood as an exhortation to focus on spiritual matters to the saving of the soul. Our interest in this article, however, is to the first half of the “if, then” construction in the passage. “If then you were raised with Christ…” Notice also verse 3, “For you died…”
The reference is to baptism. In chapter 2, verse 12 Paul wrote, “buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Paul wrote a similar passage to the Romans, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4).
The logical conclusion to be found in these words is that baptism plays a part in one being born again. It is not merely a sign of what has been accomplished. It is a step taken to begin a new life, being “raised with Christ.”
Baptism is necessary to salvation. When one is saved, it is then necessary, as a new creature, to “seek those things which are above.” In this short verse, the false doctrines of “faith only” and “once saved always saved” are denied.
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Sermon: Christ, Our Peace
A discussion of the entire context of Ephesians, chapter 2. The sermon establishes the central position of Jesus Christ in our scheme of redemption, and refutes the false dichotomy that salvation by Grace precludes the necessity of obedience.
Sermon: What Can the Righteous Do?
David affirmed in Psalm 11 that in the midst of trial or persecution, the righteous can depend upon God as they place their trust in Him.
Making a Father Happy
What is it about a son or daughter that makes a father happy? I’m not talking about the day of their birth (everyone rejoices at that). I’m not talking about the fact that they are healthy. I am talking about their character, their behavior, their actions, their accomplishments.
For some fathers it might be that they are competitive. They are successful at sports or some other challenging endeavor. For some it may be aggression. They never back down. Other fathers may rejoice that their child is intelligent, getting good grades, going to college, getting a high paying job. Some are most interested in their physical beauty or stature. They are proud of their beauty queen or good looking son.
For the wise man of Proverbs, it was wisdom and righteousness that made his heart rejoice.
“My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice—indeed, I myself; Yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak right things” (Proverbs 23:15-16).
Some things are good things to rejoice in, some not so good. Nothing should bring more joy than for a child to show wisdom when it comes to spiritual matters.
When your child shows such wisdom, when he or she speaks right things, do you show them how happy you are? Do they know your heart rejoices?
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Invitation: Judge the Living and the Dead
Invitation delivered by: Tommy Davis
(2 Timothy 4). Paul was ready for the day when Jesus would return to judge the living and the dead. Will you be ready?