Category: Subject Index

Study Material Categorized by Subject

Sermon: Confession


The lesson is a discussion of the nature of and requirement to confess the good confession before men – “with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:10).

Sermon: A Christian’s View of the Unborn

Christian View of the Unborn

A Christian’s view of the unborn requires a respect for the sanctity of life, even in the womb. In the face of societal division, the Christian should bring light, not heat to the discussion.

Sermon: The Attributes of God

The Attributes of God

The lesson looks at what the scripture reveals about the person, position and character of Jehovah.

Sermon: Proverbs on Parenting

Proverbs on Parenting

The book of Proverbs has much to say about Parenting. Emphasis in this lesson is on Love, Instruction and Correction.

Sermon: The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification

The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification

This important concept, developed in both the Old and New Testaments, emanates from God’s character. It explains why God requires what He requires of us. It equips us to live the lives God wants us to live.

Sermon: “When I consider Your heavens”

When I Consider Your Heavens

David’s contemplation of the night sky seems to have been the inspiration for Psalm 8. The Psalm shows that God is worthy of praise, both for His creative work, and his patronage of man.

Sermon: Being a Child of God

Bible and Hand

Speaker: Tommy Davis

There is a great cause for joy when one is a child of God!

Sermon: When I Sin

When I Sin

No one is immune to sin. Only the Son of God Himself lived his life without sinning. Since all sin, the key is responding to that sin in your life appropriately. In doing so you can escape the consequences, and benefit from God’s mercy.

The Patternists: Followers of Us


In Paul’s introductory comments to the congregation in Thessalonica, he was extremely complimentary of their faith. He wrote of his thankfulness as he remembered, “without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father” (1 Thessalonians 1:3).

He also expressed how that faith and obedience was instilled in them. He wrote of them having received the “word”, and in so doing they became “followers of us and of the Lord” (1:6).

Continue reading “The Patternists: Followers of Us”

Sermon: Three Crosses

Three Crosses

A discussion of the Crucifixion narrative in Luke 23. There are three crosses worthy of discussion: A Cross of Rebellion, A Cross of Repentance, and A Cross of Redemption.

Sermon: “Be Hospitable”

Be Hospitable

A discussion of the Christians responsibility to be hospitable. This command of God is defined, and the practice is examined by an appeal to the scriptures.

Sermon: God Be Merciful to Us and Bless Us

God Be Merciful to Us and Bless Us

Psalm 67 is a song of praise to God for His blessings, mercy, sovereignty and fairness. All nations should praise Him, and when we do, He bestows His blessings upon us.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: The Elementary Principles of Christ

The Elementary Principles of Christ

This lesson is a discussion of the elementary doctrines the Hebrew writer lists in Hebrews 6:1-3, with an admonition to progress in our spiritual maturity. Those who do not progress, tend to regress, and are in danger of apostasy.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: The Coming of the Lord

The apostle Paul sought to comfort the Thessalonians by explaining what would happen to the righteous dead when the Lord comes again. His words show first, the comfort that comes with our hope; and second, the need to be steadfast in our walk as Christians, that we might be prepared for that day. (1 Thessalonians 4 & 5).


Sermon: Establish and Encourage

Establish and Encourage

The actions of Christians throughout the world, who show themselves examples of purity, faithfulness and zeal, serve to encourage and establish their brethren.


Powerpoint PPTX File