Author: Stan Cox
Sermon: Hannah’s Prayer
There are numerous important things about prayer that can be learned when we examine the prayer of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1.
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Sermon: The Names of Sin
There are many different synonyms used in scripture to capture the concept of sinfulness. An examination of some of these is a helpful exercise.
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
Early in his epistle, Paul encouraged the Christians in Colosse to “walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him” (Colossians 1:10). A question to be asked, “Why are the Father and His Son Jesus Christ deserving of such faithfulness?” Paul answers the question in this text.
Jesus strengthens His disciples with His own glorious power, giving them might, patience, longersuffering and joy (11). Other passages confirm this same truth. Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). He affirmed in Ephesians 6 that by utilizing the protections afforded by the Lord (the armor of God), we can “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (16). Having done all, the Christian can stand with Jesus’ help (cf. 13).
“If it is from God…”
As the apostles proclaimed the gospel in the early days of the church in Jerusalem, the Jewish leaders debated what to do with them. They had already arrested Peter and John once, for preaching in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. Now, the apostles had been arrested again for filling Jerusalem with the doctrine of Christ.
They were furious, and plotted to kill the apostles. Then, a famous rabbi named Gamaliel spoke, counseling caution. His words had merit. If these apostles were working on their own, their efforts would eventually come to nothing. But, “if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God” (Acts 5:39).
Throughout the ages, this is exactly what men have done — fight against God. It always ended in destruction for them. God destroyed the world in the flood because men fought against Him. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire from heaven, because men fought against Him. The nation of Israel was taken into Assyrian captivity, Judah into Babylonian captivity, because His people fought against Him.
And now, the Jewish leaders, who had worked to have Jesus crucified on the cross, sought to fight against His disciples, and His kingdom. They too were doomed to failure. They listened to Gamaliel in part, after beating them and threatening them, they let the disciples go. Today, men continue to fight against God. But, the gospel continues to be preached, and the borders of His kingdom are enlarged. Man can fight against God, but man can never prevail.
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Sermon: Do We Know How to BLUSH?
God’s people need to be able to blush! Shame is a good thing, as it limits ungodly conduct, speech and appearance.
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Sermon: The Once and Eternal King
Jesus Christ reigns on His throne today, and will continue to reign through eternity.
Devoutly, Justly, Blamelessly
The apostle Paul loved his brethren. It is evident in every epistle he wrote, including his first epistle to the Christians in Thessalonica. Paul defends his conduct beginning in the second chapter. He was bold in his preaching, despite previous persecution, and conflict in that city (2). He spoke honestly and he spoke the truth from God (3). He did not seek to flatter them, nor did he seek glory in his speech (5-6). He was gentle in dealing with them, and clearly expressed his affection for them (7-8). He labored day and night, both in a physical trade, and in his ministry toward them. He did not want to be a burden to them as he proclaimed to them the gospel (9).
This led him to say in verse 10 of the text, “You are witnesses, and God also, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe.” This wonderful proclamation both expresses Paul’s ministry, and the manner of life we all should practice.
Devotion, justice and blamelessness are the proper life choices of all who have named the name of Christ. It is a response to God for the gift of grace, and the discipleship that he requires of us. It is characteristic of our interactions with the world, and especially our brethren. Why? Because it serves as edification! Paul said that his actions were so that “you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory” (vs. 12).
Devoutly, justly, and blamelessly… does this correctly describe your interactions with God and man?
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Sermons: And Such Were Some of You
Ian Tilley discusses the state of sin as men transgress God’s laws, and assures that no matter the sin, forgiveness is possible for all.
Sermon: Legacies of the Faithful
As we contemplate the legacies of those who have gone before, we can make the proper applications to ensure we too will serve God acceptably.
Lessons from a Millstone
We speak of God’s word as sublime. In this we acknowledge both that the word of God is understandable, and that it is unfathomably deep and productive as we study it each day. The simplest of babes can derive from it the “words of eternal life” (John 6:68), and yet the ablest of students can spend a lifetime of learning from it each day.
Lessons can be learned from unexpected places. For example, we can learn much from the Bible’s reference to the millstone. The millstone was extremely important in ancient times. To turn grain into flour, the grain would be crushed into powder between two heavy stones. Smaller versions of such stones were found in the homes of the people. Larger stones were fashioned in ancient societies to increase production. Regardless, as the Bible refers to such millstones, there are three thoughts to keep in mind. First, they were necessities. Second, they were hard. Third, they were heavy. With this in mind, consider the following truths:
The Patternists: “You are my portion, O Lord”
The 119 Psalm is a meditation upon the words of God. To the Psalmist, that was the Law given by Moses. To Christians today, our respect for that law continues even as we acknowledge that we live under the authority of the new covenant, ratified by the blood of Jesus. Both the old and new testaments are inspired scripture, (cf. 2 Peter 1:21), and are worthy of our attention and consideration.
We should express the same attitude toward God’s word as that expressed by the Psalmist in this Psalm. We direct our attention to verses 57-64 for some observations.
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“Woe to Him”
On the matter of offenses Jesus said, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:1-2). It can be said that Jesus is not happy with those who offend others.
But, what is it that Jesus refers to as an offense? The words is found a total of 15 times in the New Testament. In the KJV of the Bible, the term is translated offence (9x), stumbling block (3x), occasion of stumbling (1x), occasion to fall (1x), thing that offends (1x).
Thayer defines the term, (skandalon) – a trap, snare; any impediment placed in the way and causing one to stumble or fall.
So, Jesus frowns upon the one who would cause another to stumble or fall — that is, to sin against Him. It is bad enough when we ourselves sin, but if we lead others to sin, “woe to him”!
We should think of this when considering the proper attitude we should have toward those who teach error. When we think about teaching others ourself. When we consider how our actions will affect or influence others. As parents and grandparents as we consider our children and grand-children are watching us closely, and learning from our words and actions. Offenses will certainly come, but “woe to him through whom they do come!”
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Sermon: What is Bible Meditation?
The lesson contrasts Eastern Meditation (Example: Hindu and Buddhist meditation) with the Bible concept of Meditation taught in the scriptures.
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Sermon: The Unequal Yoke
In the text of (2 Corinthians 6:14-18), the apostle Paul instructs Christians not to be unequally yoked to unbelievers. What is that unequal yoke?
Glorifying God
The Bible clearly teaches that those who seek to please the Lord are expected to glorify Him. Some may not be fully aware of what that entails. First, consider a definition of the term. The Greek word doxázo is found numerous times in the New Testament, and is defined by Thayer in an illuminating way. It means “to praise, extol, magnify, celebrate.” It has the idea of holding the object in honor, and to “cause the dignity and worth of some person to become manifest and acknowledged.”
In 1 Corinthians 6:20 Paul wrote, “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Here we see the responsibility of the Christian, in response to His redemptive efforts on our behalf. Because of what He has done for us, we should praise Him, and celebrate His righteousness and preeminence.