Category: Sermons

Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files

Sermon: Jesus’ Questioning by the High Priest

Our 51st lesson in our series on Jesus’ Words in John’s gospel references the conversation Jesus had with Annas in John 18:19-24.

Sermon: Positive VS Negative

Stan Cox preaches on the importance of declaring the whole counsel of God (cf. Acts 20), without straying to solely positive preaching or solely negative preaching. Jesus, Stephen and Paul are all used as examples to follow.

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Short Sermon: Jesus, A Servant of Men

David Hightower relates in this short lesson how Jesus showed Himself willing to serve others. He washed the feet of the disciples. More to the point, He willingly gave up His life by dying on the cross. We should be servants as well.

Sermon: Honesty

A discussion of the destructive impact of Dishonesty. Christ as the perfect example of honesty. And, the divine directive for all of us to be honest.

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Sermon: Jesus’ Prayer for You and Me

Stan discusses the final part of Jesus’ prayer in John 17. He prayer for disciples like you and me!

Sermon: Fellowship

Ian Tilley gives a good lesson on the subject of Fellowship, using the rebellion of Korah as an illustration of the concept.

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Sermon: Jesus Prays for His Disciples

In the second of three lessons covering Jesus’ prayer in John 17, the emphasis is placed upon the petitions made to the Father on behalf of Jesus’ present disciples.

Sermon: The Fullness of Christ

A discussion of Colossians 1:9-19 discussing what makes Jesus unique.

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Sermon: Are You Carnal?

The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. You should have a spiritual mindset. Are you instead carnally minded? How do you fix this?

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How the World Identifies Me

Christians in our world are often identified as hateful and prejudiced. But, false accusation were raised to Christians in the first century. And even to Jesus Himself.

Sermon: Lust, Marriage and Divorce

A lesson discussing an aspect of the radical teaching Jesus taught in His sermon on the mount. This section covers Matthew 5:27-32.

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Sermon: Paul and the Gospel

A discussion of 1 Corinthians 9, the value of the gospel of Christ to the Apostle Paul.

Sermon: Beware of False Prophets

Josh Cox preacher. A discussion of Matthew 7:15-20

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Sermon: Who Wanted a King?

The People of Israel were unhappy, and wanted a king like the nations around them. God has foreknowledge, and an ability to use men for his purposes. (1 Samuel 8:1-ff).

Sermon: The Mystery Revealed

What do the words mystery and revelation entail? A discussion of the text of Colossians 1:24-29.

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