Category: Sermons

Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files

Sermon: Living a Balanced Life

A discussion of the text of Ecclesiastes, learning from the wise man how to live a balanced life.

Sermon: 5 Explanations of Mark 16:16

Our lesson examines the text of Mark 16:16, giving four failed interpretations of the text, based on incorrect presumptions, contrasted with the actual words and meaning of Jesus.

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Sermon: Courage Needed

In the presence of a hostile and intolerant culture, the Christian needs the spirit of power, love and a sound mind to boldly proclaim the gospel of our Lord

Sermon: The Commands of God

God has explicitly revealed both requirements and prohibitions for us to heed in our lives to please Him. What God says DO, we must DO. What God says DO NOT, we must DO NOT.

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Sermon: The Christian and Maximal Effort

Lupe Florez shares a message of personal integrity and effort as Christians, as we respond to the gospel, and God’s gift of salvation.

Sermon: Foundational Concepts – Repentance

A discussion defining the concept of repentance, teaching what it encompasses, and establishing its necessity for receiving forgiveness from God.

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Sermon: The Helper

The 43rd lesson in our series of Jesus’ Words in John’s Gospel. This lesson examines Jesus’ promise (in John 15:26-16:4) to send the Holy Spirit to the apostles to enable them in their witness.

Sermon: Light not Darkness

A discussion of Ephesians 4:17-24 showing the necessity of walking in the light as Christians, and refusing the sinfulness of the darkness.

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Sermon: The World Hates You

Sermon 42 in series.

In John 15:18-25, the Lord warned His disciples to expect the world to hate them, because the world hated Him first. All Christians should expect animosity from the ungodly, and be prepared for it.

Sermon: Shrewd Sons of Light

We are to be selfless, and interested in others. But, interestingly, to act as Christians, fully devoted to God and your fellow man is a shrewd (prudent) thing to do. In effect, you are acting in your own self-interest!

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Struck Down but Not Destroyed

Various texts in the New Testament are examined to contrast the difficulties and limitations of this life as compared to our state and hope in eternity.

Sermon: Have a Good Day on the Last Day

On the last day, the universe will come to an end, and all will be resurrected to stand in judgment. For you, the day can be a good one, or one filled with sorrow. Which do you choose?

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Sermon: Work to Do in the New Year

There are three important things to work on as 2023 begins. Work on your love for God and man, Your zeal in obeying God, and your Thankfulness for His great blessings.

Sermon: Ask for the Old Paths

Every decision you make impacts your life, often spiritually. Ultimately you must decide whether to walk the Highway to Holiness or the Way of Destruction.

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Sermon: The Names of Jesus

There are numerous titles used to refer the Jesus. We discuss words like Master, Lord, Messiah/Christ, Savior and Lamb of God, to show their meaning, and significance to Christians.

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