Category: Sermons
Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files
Sermon Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Josh Cox discusses Matthew 5:3, where Jesus taught, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Sermon: Fasting
Dennis Craig discusses the spiritual benefits of fasting by an examination of texts in the Bible.
Sermon: False Prophets
A study of Jeremiah 23 that seeks to answer two questions: 1) What is a false prophet; 2) How much damage can be done by a false prophet.
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Sermon: The One Question
An exchange by Jesus with the Jews in Mark 11:27-33 supplies for us some very important truths about Bible authority, and the only legitimate source for our faith!
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Sermon: The Significance of the Resurrection of Jesus
Many people, while accepting the validity of Jesus’ death on the cross, fail to understand the importance and significance it plays in our lives. An examination of 1 Corinthians 15 helps.
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Sermon: Our Spiritual Family (1 Timothy 5:1-2)
A discussion of 1 Timothy 5:1-2, discussing the significance of the Christian relationship as a family, and detailing how family should treat each other.
Sermon: A Present View Help by Young People
The Lesson discusses both the commendable and condemnable aspect of the young generation’s views concerning Judgment and Kindness.
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Sermon: Dan – A History of Idolatry
(Judges 18) Our discussion of Judges 18 shows that the northern city of Dan was founded in idolatrous practices, and remained idolatrous throughout her history. The sins of Idolatry and Anarchy are discussed.
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Sermon: Complaining
Our discussion on Complaining does not question whether it is sinful, but whether any particular expression is an example of complaining. It takes discernment to know!
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Sermon: Live from the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14)
In 1 Corinthians 9:14 the apostle indicated God’s intent that the preacher of the gospel should be materially supported while doing his work. The principle is examined here.
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Sermon: God Approved Zeal
Zeal is an important and approved aspect of being a disciple of Christ. But only if that zeal is directed by God rather than man himself.
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Sermon: The Prosperity of the Wicked (Psalm 73)
The Psalm reveals that our perception that the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper is not accurate. Ultimately, the wicked will suffer God’s wrath as the righteous are rewarded.
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Sermon: Please Inquire for the Word of the Lord
We discuss Jehoshaphat’s inquiry of God’s will in 1 Kings 22 before going to war with his ally, king Ahab of Israel. Applications are made to today, with the proper appeal to God’s authority and will.
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Sermon: The Great Commission
A study of Matthew 28, detailing Jesus’ instructions to his disciples to go into the world and MAKE disciples.
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Sermon: God Requires Obedience (Deuteronomy 5-9)
A discussion of Deuteronomy 5-9, showing that God always requires obedience of His children. This is the basis of the 10 commandments, the entireity of God’s Old Covenant, as well as what is required as a part of Faith in Christ.
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