Category: Evangelism
Subject: Evangelism
Sermon: Spring 2015 Meeting Sermons – Heath Rogers
Below are the links to the audio and powerpoint presentations from Heath Rogers, who held a meeting at the West Side church on May 9-14, 2015.
Lesson 1: “Whom Are You Seeking?”
Lesson 2: Help in Times of Trouble
Lesson 3: Lessons from Hezekiah’s Prayer
Lesson 4: Making Evangelism a Priority
Lesson 5: The Grace of God
Lesson 6: Mediocrity
Lesson 7: A Man After God’s Own Heart
Lesson 8: Can We Understand the Bible Alike?
Lesson 9: The Second Coming of Christ
Sermon: The Importance of Gospel Meetings
In preparation for an upcoming gospel meeting, the lesson is designed to emphasize the importance of every member doing their part in the collective work of evangelism and edification.
Invitation: The Precious Work of Preaching
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Romans 10:15 Paul describes how precious and important are preachers, and their efforts to save the souls of men. The gospel is the means by which God has chosen to save the world.
Invitation: Desire to Save Souls
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Colossians 4:2-6, Paul requested prayers, that he might be able and effective in the preaching of the gospel. He expresses that we need to have the same desire.
Sermon: Spread the Gospel
Sermon by Josh Cox.
The text of Matthew 10, where Jesus commissioned his apostles to spread his gospel is used as a parallel to express our own responsibilities to preach the good news.
Sermon: This day is a day of good news
The narrative of 2 Kings 7, where the lepers’ felt need to share the good news of God’s victory over Syria is used to express our obligation to share the gospel with the world.
Sermon: Rescue the Perishing
In order to be effective in the work of evangelism, we must diligently equip ourselves through a study of God’s word, and take advantage of every opportunity to share it with others!
Sermon: The Value of a Single Soul
A key in being active in evangelizing the lost is understanding the value of a single soul.
Sermon: Considering “Consider”
The word consider is defined: 1) to think about; 2) to be thoughtful of…
There are a numerous things that the scriptures teach us to consider. For example, the importance of being industrious, the sacrifice of Christ, and your brethren in Christ.
Sermon: Retaining God’s Standard of Evangelism
Fall 2014 Meeting
Speaker: Bryan Gary of Dumas, TX
In 2 Timothy 1:13, Paul wrote Timothy, “Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus” (NASB).
This fifth in a series of 9 lessons emphasizes what the Bible teaches about Evangelism (what it is, and how it is to be done), and examines some of the perversions of men on that aspect of God’s will.
The Purpose of Our Assemblies
Would it be considered controversial to state that the purpose of our worship assemblies is not to evangelize? Perhaps it would be less so if I explained what I mean by the statement.
First, I am not saying that evangelism can’t take place in the assembly. In fact, first principle preaching in the worship assembly is one way that the children of Christians reach the point of being convicted, and thus converted. Also, it is conceivable that the conversion of an occasional visitor may be the salutary consequence of such lessons. More probably, first principle lessons will serve to “stir up your pure minds by way of reminder” (cf. 2 Peter 3:1), equipping the saints to share with others what they have learned, and had reinforced by the preacher’s words.
From the Preacher’s Pen: A Presumptuous Invitation
This past week we received in the mail an invitation to join with other churches in the area in an effort to increase evangelism in our community. The invitation was from a human organization whose purpose was to teach our members how to evangelize, and to explain to churches how the work could be done most effectively. It was suggested that we send an “Advanced coordinator,” an “Event coordinator”, and a “Youth coordinator”, but emphasized the need for every church to at least send a contact person to the seminar they would be holding.
The absurdity of this request is evident. How can a human organization instruct the God created institution in how to do the work God gave it to do? The fact that such an organization did not exist in the first century, and that such designations as the above “coordinators” is unknown to scripture shows just how truly misguided is this invitation. It is eminently unscriptural, and without Divine approval.
That doesn’t mean, however, that as a congregation of God’s people we are sufficiently active and effective in sharing the gospel message with our community. It takes diligent effort and a sharpening of the Spirit’s sword to accomplish the work God has given for US to do in this town. If we don’t do it, it will not be done. God has granted to us a “great and effective door” (cf. 1 Corinthians 16:9). Will you do your part by walking through, and teaching others about the Christ?
Sermon: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Christians
Spring Meeting 2014: Kyle Campbell
(Note: The first 12 minutes of this lesson were not recorded, the remaining 34 minutes have audio that is reduced in quality, though still very understandable).
The 7 habits discussed by Kyle:
- Take up your cross *
- Die for Christ *
- Pray to the Lord
- Examine the Scriptures
- Encourage one another
- Forgive one another
- Teach non-Christians
* (Was covered in the first 12 minutes, so not recorded)
Sermon: Can Conservative Churches of Christ Grow Today?
Spring 2014 Meeting: Kyle Campbell
Eight essentials for church growth, based upon New Testament principles, are contrasted with invalid modern day theories. With these 8 essentials present, the church can flourish today.
Invitation: Inviting Others
Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera
1 Corinthians 1:18-ff is used as a text to encourage the congregation to invite others to come to the gospel meeting.