Category: Parenting
Subject: Parenting
Sermon: 7 Keys to Raising Godly Children
Every Christian parent wants to raise their children to be faithful disciples of the Lord. Here are 7 things we can implement that will help to ensure that eventuality.
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The Home as God Would Have It
When we talk about the home as God would have it be, there are numerous admonitions given: to the husband/father, to the wife/mother, and to the children. Let’s look at a few passages, and make a few observations about each. Continue reading “The Home as God Would Have It” →
Sermon Minute: Protecting Children From An Immoral World
As parents and a society, do we protect our children from evil, or do we instead let them wallow and be harmed by immorality?
Sermon: Stones and Serpents
An application of Matthew 7:7-12, as it applies to mistakes we can make as parents in raising our children. All Christian parents need to take heed!
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