Category: Sermons
Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files
Sermon: “Is There Not A Cause?”
The 1 Samuel 17 narrative of David’s Battle with Goliath reveals certain applications that we can use as we are confronted with our own enemies (spiritual and physical).
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Sermon: The Weakening of Our Faith
While the world looks to magnets to weaken faith in God, we must concern ourselves with self-inflicted attacks on our faith. Instead, we must work and be diligent to increase our faith!
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Sermon: The Divine Hermeneutic
This lesson affirms that while there are many interpretations of scripture that doesn’t mean that all such interpretations are valid. When God spoke, He revealed His will. It is man’s responsibility to examine the scriptures to determine what God meant, not what we want for Him to have said.
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Sermon: Paul’s Discourse on Grace
Stan discusses the text of Ephesians 2. Using the context of the passage, he explains the concept of salvation by grace through faith.
Sermon: Jesus, Satan, and Peter
Tyler uses the account of Satan’s successful temptation of Peter, and then Peter’s restoration to make some salient applications for us today.
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Sermon: Paul’s Message to the Gentiles
In this short lesson, Stan turns to Acts 14 and Acts 17 to express the truth that the Gentiles must repent by turning away from the worship of idols, and begin to serve the one true and living God.
Sermon: Wise Parents
The book of Proverbs, a book of wisdom, is appealed to in showing principles of parenting that will help moms and dads raise children faithful to the Lord.
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Sermon: Better Than the Angels
An appeal is made to the contrast the Hebrew writer makes in the first chapter of his letter. He clearly shows the superiority of Jesus to the angels of God.
Sermon: Build and Grow
Justin discusses the call to add to our faith and love by becoming more Christ like day by day.
Sermon: God is Calling
The Bible clearly establishes that God does not compel us to serve Him. Rather He calls us to Him through His gospel, and those who respond to Him are granted salvation.
Fall 2022 Meeting with Kyle Campbell
Our Fall Meeting, 2022 with Kyle Campbell, November 5, 2002. A series of fundamental lessons answering fundamental questions.
The theme: “Can you show”
Lesson 1: Can You Show That There is a God? (Saturday)
Lesson 2: Can You Show that the Bible is the Word of God? (Sunday 9AM)
Lesson 3: Can You Show that Jesus Rose from the Dead? (Sunday 10AM)
Lesson 4: Can You Show What the Bible Says? (Sunday 11AM)
Lesson 5: Can You Show That the Bible Can be Understood? (Monday)
Lesson 6: Can You Show How We are Saved? (Tuesday)
Lesson 7: Can You Show What Worship Is? (Wednesday 10AM)
Lesson 8: Can You Show What the Church Does? (Wednesday PM)
Lesson 9: Can You Show That Chrisitans are Moral People (Thursday)
Sermon: Anchors of Faith
Aaron Collier shares some valuable insights concerning Faith and its applications.
Sermon: The Authority of Christ
In this lesson, the premise that all authority resides in the Lord Jesus is affirmed.
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Sermon: Jeremiah’s Lament
The book of Jeremiah clearly expresses the anguish of the prophet as he sought to warn a rebellious nation of the coming consequences of their sin.
Sermon: God’s Covenant with Abraham
First in a series of lessons dealing with principles of Authority. God’s covenant with Abraham establishes the promises God made an fulfilled, ending with the establishment of Jesus Christ as Lord and Christ. (Note: The video consists only of the slides and audio. Video of the speaker was not available).
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