Category: Sermons

Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files

Sermon: The Unequal Yoke

The Unequal Yoke

In the text of (2 Corinthians 6:14-18), the apostle Paul instructs Christians not to be unequally yoked to unbelievers. What is that unequal yoke?


Sermon: What Repentance is NOT!

What Repentance is Not

It is important to properly define repentance, so that all will be confident that they have fulfilled this requirement, given by God for our redemption.

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Sermon: Why Lament?

Why Lament

People will only understand the severity of the problem of sin if we look at it from God’s eyes. The Old Testament prophets Elijah and Jeremiah help us to do so.

Sermon: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Death Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

A discussion of the rudimentary points of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

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Sermon: Why Job and Why Me?

Why Job

When experiencing tribulation, a typical question we ask, “God, why me?” It is a similar question that Job had regarding his state after great suffering. The lesson discusses the answers supplied to this question, and establishes the proper way to look at Job’s story.

Sermon: Types of Fools

Types of Fools

A list of five types of individuals who are identified as fools in scripture are discussed: The athiest, the disobedient, those who prate, those who meddle, and those who are careless.

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Sermon: Who Then Are We?

Who Then Are We

The lesson deals with the Corinthian’s carnal tendencies, and the call to preach to the lost.

Sermon: The Scarlet Thread of Redemption

The Scarlet Thread

God’s plan for redeeming man runs throughout the entirety of the Bible, tying all of the books from Genesis to Revelation together. An overview of that plan is discussed.

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Sermon: Honorable People


A remarkable truth about the book of Ruth is how honorably all the people were under difficult circumstances, from Naomi and Orpha, to Ruth and Boaz, all conducted themselves righteously.

Sermon: More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors

A discussion of Romans 8:31-39, looking at the context, and the significance of Paul’s words, that we are “More than conquerors through Him who loved us…”

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:


Sermon: Kernels of Truth

Kernels of Truth

Invitation Talk: Speaker, Aaron Collier

God’s truth is and must be of the utmost importance to His people.

Sermon: The Court of Public Opinion

The Court of Public Opinion

Public Opinion and peer pressure can bring fear to Christians, and even lead men to do things that God condemns. The wise man, who has discernment, listens to men rather than God.

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Sermon: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream


Daniel both identified and interpreted a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, as recorded in Daniel 2. The dream revealed the coming Messianic kingdom, and its New Testament fulfillment is explained.

Sermon: The Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection of Christ PPP

The resurrection of Christ was predicted by prophets, promised by Jesus Himself, and proclaimed His deity.

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:


Sermon: Duties of Local Church Membership

Duties of Local Church Membership

God requires that Christians work together in His service. Too many have a “consumer mentality” when it comes to choosing a church. We should join a faithful congregation, that strives to to God’s work in God’s way.