Category: Apostasy
Subject: Apostasy
Sermon: Spring Meeting, 2021 with JR Bronger
JR Bronger from Blue Springs, MO preached a wonderful series of gospel sermons for the West Side congregation, May 1-6, 2021:
Saturday PM: The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9)
- A discussion of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. A religious terrorist who became a wonderful example of the saving power of God’s grace.
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Sunday 1st Service: Evangelizing the World
- In the first century, Christians were able to spread the gospel throughout the known world, despite opposition and challenges. If we have the same mindset today, we can be just as successful!
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Sunday Class: Successful Marriages
- Foundational teaching on the subject of marriage. Principles which, if followed, will guarantee strong marriages existing in accord with God’s desire.
- Facebook Live Video of Sermon
Sunday 2nd Service: The Hate of Christ and Christians
- The world hated Jesus Christ because of His mission and righteousness. He promised that the world would hate his followers as well. In our day such hate is prominent.
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Monday PM: Christians Are Running a Race
- A runner himself, brother Bronger uses the Hebrew writer’s imagery in Hebrews 12:1-2 to establish a few important truths regarding the race the Christian runs.
- Facebook Live Video of Sermon
Tuesday PM: A Rebel Returns
- A powerful lesson on rebellion and redemption, based on the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. Young people need to hear this message!
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Wednesday PM: Do You Want to be Made Well?
- If you really wish for spiritual healing, you must stop thinking of yourself as a victim, stop blaming others for your failings, free yourself from fear and recognize the difference between wanting relief, and wanting a cure.
- Facebook Live Video of Sermon
Thursday PM: Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart
- There were three responsible parties in the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. God Himself with His demands. The wicked court magicians. And most prominently, Pharaoh himself.
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Why Do Some Christians Not Grow?
The need for growing spiritually is well established in the New Testament. Those who remain babes in Christ remain as vulnerable to spiritual dangers as their physical counterparts are to the temporal dangers of life. They are weak, and undiscerning, which make them easy fodder for the devil and his minions.
“For he who lacks these things [attributes of the spiritually mature] is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins” (2 Peter 1:9).
Knowing the importance of spiritual development and growth, it is disheartening when we witness a Christian who is stagnant spiritually. It happens far too often.
I Press On
“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me” (Philippians 1:12). Paul’s words here are often passed over in favor of quoting the two that follow. “Brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (1:13-14).
But, verse 12 adds much to the thought Paul is expressing in the text. Primarily, it states the fact that Paul had not yet attained whatever “that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me” is. What is it? The glorious prize! The crown of righteousness!
You have two religious attitudes that prevail in our day. The first is the view that because I have been saved, the attaining of the goal is a fait accompli. I may should press on, but I don’t have to press on. I am saved. I am going to heaven. My eternal destiny is set.
The second is that expressed by Paul in our text. He was saved, but he knew that the crown of righteousness had not yet been awarded. As such, he lived with purpose. He sought daily to maintain his relationship with the Lord, pressing forward to attain the goal. He did not want to become a castaway! (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:27). Paul’s attitude is the correct one. Don’t presume, get to work!
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Raised with Christ
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).
This passage is rightly understood as an exhortation to focus on spiritual matters to the saving of the soul. Our interest in this article, however, is to the first half of the “if, then” construction in the passage. “If then you were raised with Christ…” Notice also verse 3, “For you died…”
The reference is to baptism. In chapter 2, verse 12 Paul wrote, “buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Paul wrote a similar passage to the Romans, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4).
The logical conclusion to be found in these words is that baptism plays a part in one being born again. It is not merely a sign of what has been accomplished. It is a step taken to begin a new life, being “raised with Christ.”
Baptism is necessary to salvation. When one is saved, it is then necessary, as a new creature, to “seek those things which are above.” In this short verse, the false doctrines of “faith only” and “once saved always saved” are denied.
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Sermon: The Conversion of Simon the Sorcerer
Acts 8:9-35 contains the narrative describing the conversion of Simon the Sorceror. This conversion followed the pattern established with all conversions in the New Testament. However, the unique circumstances of his conversion teach us some other important lessons.
Sermon: Great & Terrible
The apostle Paul asserts the greatness of God’s Scheme of Redemption, accomplished in Jesus Christ. However, some who have embraced Him as Lord, inexplicably turn away. This apostasy is a most terrible thing.
The Patternists: Perilous Men
Paul warned his protege Timothy of perilous times and evil men in 2 Timothy 3. The characteristics of these men are listed in verses 2-4, but the frightening aspect of that description is the conclusion in verse 5, “having a form of godliness…”
The religious rebel seldom is overt in his ungodliness, which is precisely why so many tend to tolerate and even support him. In verses 8 and 9 of the text, Paul states that such men, “resist the truth”, and are “disapproved concerning the faith.”
Both terms, truth and faith, here refer to God’s revelation to man. There are many religious people who profess godliness, but resist the pattern established by God. Paul assures, “they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all” (9).
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Sermon: DANGER Signs of Apostasy
The lesson identifies four danger signs that signify the possibility one may fall from grace:
* Isolating onself from God’s people
* Listening to bad counsel
* Being corrupted by ungodly companions
* A faltering prayer life
The Patternists: Don’t Diss God
The term in the title “diss” is common slang in our time. It is a shortened form for the word disrespect. In this article, I’m less concerned with the mongrelization of the English language, and more concerned about the disrespect so many show to the Almighty.
Interestingly, men have always been, and are especially now, sensitive to others showing disrespect for them. It is insulting, and has led not only to arguments and fisticuffs, but even to national wars! When a fight between two teenagers is broken up, the reason for the spat is commonly stated: “He dissed me!”
While we may be sensitive to others showing a lack of respect for us, we often lack awareness of how our actions can “diss” God! In Leviticus 10:1, Nadab and Abihu, priests of God and sons of Aaron, offered profane (unauthorized) fire before God in the burning of incense. What was God’s response? “So fire went out from the Lord and devoured them, and they died before the Lord” (vs. 2).
What was God’s motivation for killing them? They “dissed” Him! God said, “By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people I must be glorified” (vs. 3).
Next time you think about doing your own thing, just assuming that God will approve of your willfulness, you had better think twice. You don’t want to diss God!
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Sermon: Departing from the living God
Hebrews 3:12 is one of many exhortations to faithfulness. It is possible for a Christian to depart from God. When one does, several things happen:
* You depart from your duty to worship Him
* You depart from your duty toward your brethren.
* You depart from the words of life.
* You depart from the living hope
The Parable of the Sower
Jesus often taught by parable. A parable is a story told, using simple objects or situations, to illustrate a spiritual principle. Such illustrations can be extremely powerful, and this is certainly the case with his Parable of the Sower. The parable is included in all of the synoptic gospels, (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23; Mark 4:2-9, 13-20; Luke 8:4-15).
The accounts reveal that the disciples were first confused about the meaning of this parable. Fortunately for us, Jesus gave to them and us a clear explanation of his words. Consider the following important points that can be derived from this parable. Citations will be from the account recorded by Luke:
Invitation: Distorting the Gospel of Christ
Invitation delivered by: Joel Duque
Using a recent personal experience to illustrate the point, Joel contrasts what the scriptures teach regarding baptism, and the need for steadfastness, with what is commonly taught in the denominations.
Mining the Scriptures: Hebrews 3:12-15
The writer here sounds a warning concerning a possibility that many religious people today deny. It is possible for a Christian to sufficiently lose his faith in God as to be described as departing from Him. This warning (and the very need for it) denies the Calvinists view that a child of God cannot sin as to be lost. The Hebrew writer says he can, and the warning indicates that some do!
So, how do we avoid losing our faith? “Beware!” The first step is to acknowledge the possibility. “Exhort one another daily.” This phrase points out the important responsibility each Christian has to edify and encourage his brothers and sisters in Christ. (See also Hebrews 10:24-25 to note the importance of our assemblies in delivering such exhortations). “While it is called ‘Today’” indicates an urgency the writer wishes to impart to his exhortation.
Steadfastness is necessary to enjoy the fruits of being “partakers of Christ.” Only those who continue their faithful service to God “to the end” will enjoy the fruits of their labor.
“Crossing the Rubicon”
In 1967, Fanning Yater Tant wrote an editorial in The Gospel Guardian titled, On the Banks of the Rubicon. The title was taken from the common phrase “crossing the Rubicon,” referring to a small river crossed by Julius Caesar in defiance of the Roman senate. His treasonous action could have no result other than victory or death. The phrase is used to refer to an irrevocable action or an event from which there could be no turning back.
The editorial appeared in a special issue of the magazine dealing with institutional issues, specifically the sponsoring church arrangement. As Tant wrote, the issue was intended to exhort brethren to “turn their backs once and forever on the enticing, exciting, and deadly! country that lies across the Rubicon, the country of ‘denominational Christianity.’”
Invitation: Making Your Call and Election Sure
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The text of 2 Peter 1 shows that we can impact (either by diligence or neglect) our standing with God.