Category: Christ
Subject: Christ
Sermon: The Once and Eternal King
Jesus Christ reigns on His throne today, and will continue to reign through eternity.
Sermon: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
A discussion of the rudimentary points of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.
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Sermon: The Scarlet Thread of Redemption
God’s plan for redeeming man runs throughout the entirety of the Bible, tying all of the books from Genesis to Revelation together. An overview of that plan is discussed.
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Sermon: Proof of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection
Short 8:30 minute invitation talk.
It was not only the disciples of Jesus who witnessed His power over death. When Jesus raised Lazarus, for example, John 11 reveals that the Jewish leaders acknowledged His power as well. They sought to kill Him for it.
Sermon: The Suffering Savior
The Jews in the first century had a mistaken view of the coming Messiah. They believed in the restoration of a physical kingdom, and a defeat of Rome. The scriptures taught the necessity of a suffering Savior.
Sermon: The Eternal Word
In the beginning was the Word. God in the flesh. Jesus is God the Son, as affirmed by Jesus in John 1.
Sermon: Liberty in Christ Jesus
We have obtained liberty in Christ. Why would anyone want to return to a law that did not bring liberty, but rather bondage?
Sermon: The Frist and Last Adam
The lesson compares Adam to Christ, listing both their similarities as a Type/Antitype comparison, as well as their differences.
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Sermon: He Will Teach You All Things
A discussion of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit to aid the apostles in their work following His death. (John 14)
Sermon: We Will Come to Him
A discussion of Jesus’ conversation with His disciples in John 14:19-24. The text emphasizes the relationship Jesus would have with them in His kingdom.
Sermon: Knowing the Son is Knowing the Father
A lesson discussing Jesus’ conversation with Philip in John 14:7-11. A true recognition of Jesus includes a recognition of his unity with the Father Himself.
Sermon: In My Father’s House are Many Mansions
In lesson 35 of the series, the discussion centers on the first 6 verses of Jesus’ address to His disciples on the night of His betrayal. (John 14:1-6).
Sermon: A New Commandment
Jesus gave a new commandment to His disciples in John 13:31-38. This lesson discusses that commandment, and His conversation with Peter.
Sermon: He Who Sees Me Sees Him
Jesus’ lays claim to his Deity by describing the relationship He had with the Father. He is the light of the world, and fulfilled in His life, His Father’s will.
Sermon: The Death of a Grain of Wheat
A discussion of the illustration Jesus used to emphasize the necessity and glory of His death (John 12:20-26)