Category: Miracles

Subject: Miracles

Jesus and Healing

In John 5, we read of the healing of a man who had been lame for a long time. It is an interesting narrative, and one of the first times in Jesus’ ministry that He came under fire by the Jews, who were angry at Jesus for healing this man on the Sabbath day.

Our interest comes from verses 2-4. “Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had” (John 5:2-4). Notice that the healing of an individual came if he was the first to step into the pool at the appointed time. Continue reading “Jesus and Healing”

Sermon: Jesus’ Walk on the Water

Some observations we can make and learn from taken from the miraculous walk of Jesus in Matthew 14:22-33

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Sermon: “If You are the Christ, tell us plainly”

In John 10:22-30, Jesus was surrounded by a probable hostile group of questioners, who demanded He clearly reveal whether or not He was the Christ. Jesus’ revealed their prejudice against Him and claimed, “I and My Father are one.”

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Sermon: Water to Wine (John 2:1-11)

A discussion of Jesus’ miracle, turning water into wine in John 2:1-11. We discuss the miracle, the conversation between Jesus and His mother, and the purpose of the signs Jesus performed.

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Misconceptions in Lystra

In Acts 14 we read of Paul’s healing of a crippled man. Paul was preaching, but his message was not yet well known to many. So, when the man was healed the superstitious Lycaonians assumed Paul and Barnabas were gods. They thought Barnabas was Zeus, and Paul was Hermes since he was the chief speaker.

This indicates clearly the purpose of miracles. They do not identify truth, but do identify that those who perform those miracles are legitimate. Now, since the inhabitants of Lystra had no true knowledge of God or His Son, they did not know what these powers represented. Their ignorance led to supposition. This is always the case. And, since men do not know the things of God without his revelation, their suppositions were without merit. As Paul said about his own people in Romans 10, “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God” (Romans 10:2-3 ). Continue reading “Misconceptions in Lystra”

Mining the Scriptures: Mark 1:32-34

Mark 1 details certain miracles Jesus performed early in his Galilean ministry in Capernaum. The chapter mentions his casting out an unclean spirit (21-28, and healing Peter’s mother-in-law (29-31). It also mentions in our text — healing the sick, and casting out demons.

It also mentions how it captured the imaginations of the people. In verse 28, “And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.” Verse 33, “And the whole city was gathered together…”

Finally, it notes that in casting out the demons, “He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew him” (34).  (Cf. James 2:19). The simplest and most entertained explanation of this act on His part is that He did not desire or need the testimony of the wicked demons. His words, (see Mark 1:25) were authoritative and severe. I.e., “be muzzled.”  The testimony of these evil beings did not serve Jesus purpose, (cf. Mark 3:22).


Mining the Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-7

As Paul expresses his admiration for the example of the Thessalonians, he expresses the part the gospel played in their good conduct.

The gospel first of all showed Paul and his companions to be legitimate servants of God. The demonstration of power, given through the intervention of the Holy Spirit allowed those who heard Paul to acknowledge his legitimacy as an apostle.

“Then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles” (Acts 15:12).

Additionally, there was power in the words themselves because they were inspired, from the Holy Spirit. They did not originate from Paul himself (2 Peter 3:16).

Their acceptance of the gospel was not without cost, as Paul notes they were afflicted for their faith. Regardless, they were joyful in their service (Galatians 5:22-23). And, their steadfastness in faith served as a wonderful example to other Christians.

Sermon: The Helper, the Spirit of Truth


A discussion of Jesus’ conversation with His disciples, recorded in John 14:12-18.

Sermon: Fall 2021 Gospel Meeting (Dennis Scroggins)

Scroggins Meeting

All lessons preached by Dennis Scroggins, October 2-7, 2021

Lesson 1 (Saturday, October 2, 2021)
By Faith Noah Condemned the World

Dennis uses the example of Noah (and the text of Hebrews 11:7) to show that as he condemned the world by his righteous life, we as Christians are to shine as lights in the world as well.

Lesson 2 (Sunday @ 9am, October 3, 2021)
The Sin of Unforgiveness

Too often Christians harbor resentment and anger in their hearts when they have been offended. Such anger is self-destructive and sinful.

Lesson 3 (Sunday @ 10am, October 3, 2021)
Bitterness: The Devil’s Distraction

Bitterness of heart can destroy the spiritual well-being of the child of God. It is one of the Devil’s most successful tools in derailing the Christian walk.

Lesson 4 (Sunday @ 11am, October 3, 2021)
Spiritual Cannibalism

When Christians attack one another, it is a form of spiritual cannibalism. (Galatians 5:15), “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!”

Lesson 5 (Monday, October 4, 2021)
Friendship – Fellowship

The basis for Christian fellowship has never been friendship. It revolves around obedience and faithfulness to the Word of God. Too often in the world today, Christians forget this truth.

Lesson 6 (Tuesday, October 5, 2021)
Why Does the Holy Spirit Speak to You, and Not to Me?

Many religious people believe the Holy Spirit speaks directly to them. The Bible reveals that the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into ALL truth, and now we have it in written form. So many, though sincere, are misguided in their feelings on the matter.

Lesson 7 (Wednesday, October 6, 2021)
Who is the Greatest Among You?

Greatness in the kingdom is the product of service. We must humble ourselves before God and man to serve Him as He desires.

Lesson 8 (Wednesday, October 7, 2021)
Progressive Church Movement Found in the Churches of Christ

A progressive attitude is present as a part of an ecumenical movement in many evangelical denominations. Progressive in the sense of a depature from the standard of God’s word. Unfortunately, such attitudes can be found in the Lord’s church as well.

Sermon: I Am the Son of God


Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God is true, and verified by the works that He did while on earth. This truth is established in John 10:22-39

Sermon: Jesus Heals a Blind Man


The lesson covers John 9, when Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath day, and then healed his soul as well! He deals with the Pharisees who took issue with His healing on the Sabbath.

Sermon: Judge with Righteous Judgment


The lesson describes Jesus’ defense of His teaching and miracles at the feast of Tabernacles, in John 7:10-24

Sermon: The Witnesses for Jesus (5:31-47)

The Words of Jesus

Lesson 12 in series (5:31-47)

John the Baptist, God Himself, and Moses all bear witness that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Sermon: Honor the Son as the Father (5:17-23)

The Words of Jesus

Lesson 10 of Series (5:17-23)

The miracles of Jesus prove, that as they show the approval of God in heaven, all men should honor His Son, just as they Honor Him.

Sermon: Miracles and Their Consequences (4:46-5:17)

The Words of Jesus

Lesson 9 of Series (4:46-5:17)

When Jesus heals and performs miracles, the serve to establish Him as God’s Son, and worthy of His Lordship. As such, we must obey Him!