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Sermon: A Living Sacrifice

A Living Sacrifice

Romans 12 well describes the life of one who presents himself to God as a living Sacrifice. Such a life includes: Thinking Soberly, Functioning Faithfully, Loving Sincerely, Serving Fervently and Living Peaceably.

Jesus, The Son of God

Jesus and Woman from Canaan

There are some who claim that Jesus was a good man whose moral teachings are worthy of discipleship, despite denying His claims to be God’s Son.

There is no logical reason for this. Jesus did not merely teach (as any other rabbi), He claimed to be the Messiah. As such, if His claims are not so, it can’t be said that He was a good man, worthy of being followed. In fact, only two possibilities emerge. If Jesus is not God, the Son, He is either self-deluded, or a charlatan.

Consider the occasion related in Matthew 15:21-28. A Gentile woman, knowing the prophecies concerning the Messiah, referred to Jesus as “Son of David” (vs. 22). This was a title that many of the Jews refused to give Him, despite all of miracles Jesus did which attested to His claims. Further, the woman, “came and worshiped Him” (25).

The apostles of the Lord, when efforts to worship them occurred, quickly demurred (cf. Acts 10:25-26). “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you…” (Acts 14:15).

And yet, Jesus accepted the worship. This clearly reveals a man who believed Himself to be the anointed of God.
Jesus is worthy of our discipleship, not because He is a good man, but because He is God’s son!

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Sermon: How to Properly Teach Others

Speaker: Armando Vera

Armando shared with the congregation scriptures and experience to help us better teach one another as Christians.

Sermon: Lessons Learned from King Abijah

King Abijah

The text of 2 Chronicles teaches us that the battle is not won by superior forces or brlliant tactics. It is won when righteous men trust in their God.

Sermon: Doctrine – What is It? Why is it Important?


A discussion of the concept of doctrine as it is revealed in the Bible. Why is doctrinal preaching not popular today? What is it? and why is it so important?

Sermon: Singing Praises to God



The lesson is a discussion of singing as an act of worship, and a means by which we can offer the sacrifice of our lips to a deserving God.

Sermon: The 5 Fingers of Prayer

The 5 Fingers of Prayer

Using the five fingers of your hand as a mnemonic, the lesson teaches us to pray for loved ones, teachers and healers, leaders, the weak and troubled, and ourselves.

Sermon: The God of Comfort

In 2 Corinthians 7, the apostle noted the comfort he received from Titus, when told of the Corinthians penitent hearts. God supplies comfort to His people. Often the people themselves are the source of that comfort, as they supply support and help to each other.

Sermon: Providence – Protection & Punishment

The Lesson explains the text of Acts 12, noting both God’s protection of Peter and the punishment inflicted upon Herod for not giving glory to Him.

Sermon: Valiant Gideon

The lesson is a textual examination of Judges 6-8, which records the life and person of Gideon, a valiant man of God. Several applications that are germane to us can be made.

Sermon: R-E-S-P-E-C-T & Disrespect


Three points: 1) Christians must always respect others; 2) Christians must always live in such a way to gain the respect of others; 3) God is worthy of, and demands our respect of Him.

Keith Lambert Meeting (November 4-7, 2018)

Below are all of the sermon audio files, Powerpoint files, and video files of the meeting with brother Keith Lambert, which was conducted on November 4-7, 2018.

Sunday Class, 11/4/18:  A Clean Heart

Sunday AM, 11/4/18:  What Will Make the Church Grow?

Sunday PM, 11/4/18: Learning to Hate What God Hates

Monday, 11/5/18: Are There Saved People in Every Church?

Tuesday, 11/6/18: The Devil is a Roaring Lion

Wednesday, 11/7/18:  The Judgment Day

  • Sermon Audio
  • Powerpoint
  • Video Note:  Due to some technical difficulties, the video has been broken up into 3 segments (By watching all three, you get all but 5 minutes of the 51 minute lesson.

Sermon: Propitiation


What does the term Propitiation mean, and how does the term relate to God’s scheme for redeeming man?

Sermon: The Evil Reign of King Jehoram

The Evil Reign of Jehoram

(2 Chronicles 21). King Jehoram of Judah was, unlike his father, an evil king. He abused his power, was corrupted by his wife, and his pride and amibition led to his demise. There are many good applications to be made as we seek to avoid his mistakes.

Sermon: Confession


The lesson is a discussion of the nature of and requirement to confess the good confession before men – “with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:10).