Category: Humility
Subject: Humility
Sermon: Fall 2021 Gospel Meeting (Dennis Scroggins)
All lessons preached by Dennis Scroggins, October 2-7, 2021
Lesson 1 (Saturday, October 2, 2021)
By Faith Noah Condemned the World
Dennis uses the example of Noah (and the text of Hebrews 11:7) to show that as he condemned the world by his righteous life, we as Christians are to shine as lights in the world as well.
Lesson 2 (Sunday @ 9am, October 3, 2021)
The Sin of Unforgiveness
Too often Christians harbor resentment and anger in their hearts when they have been offended. Such anger is self-destructive and sinful.
Lesson 3 (Sunday @ 10am, October 3, 2021)
Bitterness: The Devil’s Distraction
Bitterness of heart can destroy the spiritual well-being of the child of God. It is one of the Devil’s most successful tools in derailing the Christian walk.
Lesson 4 (Sunday @ 11am, October 3, 2021)
Spiritual Cannibalism
When Christians attack one another, it is a form of spiritual cannibalism. (Galatians 5:15), “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!”
Lesson 5 (Monday, October 4, 2021)
Friendship – Fellowship
The basis for Christian fellowship has never been friendship. It revolves around obedience and faithfulness to the Word of God. Too often in the world today, Christians forget this truth.
Lesson 6 (Tuesday, October 5, 2021)
Why Does the Holy Spirit Speak to You, and Not to Me?
Many religious people believe the Holy Spirit speaks directly to them. The Bible reveals that the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into ALL truth, and now we have it in written form. So many, though sincere, are misguided in their feelings on the matter.
Lesson 7 (Wednesday, October 6, 2021)
Who is the Greatest Among You?
Greatness in the kingdom is the product of service. We must humble ourselves before God and man to serve Him as He desires.
Lesson 8 (Wednesday, October 7, 2021)
Progressive Church Movement Found in the Churches of Christ
A progressive attitude is present as a part of an ecumenical movement in many evangelical denominations. Progressive in the sense of a depature from the standard of God’s word. Unfortunately, such attitudes can be found in the Lord’s church as well.
The Origin of Unity
In Philippians, chapter two, Paul comments on the remarkable example of our Lord. “Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (2:6-8).
Jesus was in the “form of God.” Before His incarnation, He was in an exalted state. The word “form” should be understood as a state of deity. In other words, Jesus was fully God. With this the apostle John is in full agreement. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
What Kind of Life?
What kind of life do you aspire to live? What a question! Can you imagine the answers you would get if you took a survey of Americans. We are a nation that worships at the idols of fame, prosperity, and even infamy. Americans typically want thrills, adventure and noise! How many times have you heard that? If you go to professional sporting events, it is ubiquitous, “Let’s make some noise.” “Let’s party!” “Let’s boogie!” (Yes, I know that last one dates me).
While reading this past week, I came across an interesting passage in 1 Thessalonians that I am sure you find familiar. Paul wrote:
Sermon: The Humbling of Kings
A discussion of kings Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Darius when they witness the power of Jehovah God. (Daniel 2-6)
The Problem of Pride
In James 4, the writer discusses sin present in the lives of some Christians — specifically strife and worldliness. Notice verses 1-4:
“Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
Sermon: Lessons from a Wayward Son
In the parable of the prodigal son, (Luke 15), an examination is made of the motivation and actions of the son which led to his return to his father. Applications are made.
Sermon: Ugliness
Just like in Roman times, our society is full of ugliness and sin. Violence, oppression, immorality, vitriol and corruption is everywhere. What is the proper Christian response?
Sermon: One Another
An examination of both the Lord’s words, and Paul’s writings, showing how Christians are to treat one another.
Sermon: What God Values in Man
What Does God Value in Man? Eyes of humility. A tongue of truth. Hands that do honest work. A good heart. Cautious feet. Those who advocate for justice and mercy, A maker of peace. That is what God values.
COVID-19 (4) My Understanding Returned to Me
Daniel 4 records a dream that the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had during his reign. His dream had frightened him, and again he sent for the Jew, Daniel to give him an interpretation.
Daniel told him that the dream was about the king himself, and it was from God. God had decreed that Nebuchadnezzar would be driven from men because of his unrighteousness and arrogance, and he would be insensible “your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen” (25).
Continue reading “COVID-19 (4) My Understanding Returned to Me” →
Compliments from Christ
My son Jeremiah preached a lesson with this title a few weeks ago. This article basically takes his outline, and puts a portion of it in article form. The points made are worthy of consideration.
Everyone enjoys being complimented, but the value of a compliment is very much dependent upon the person who is giving it. A compliment from a wicked man would mean little, as would one that comes from insincere flattery. However, if a compliment were to come from the Lord Himself, that would truly be a great honor. So, consider the following individuals, and the compliments they received from the Lord. If the Lord complimented them, we know that if we do or are the same, we will please Him as well!
The Genuineness of Nathanael
“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, ‘Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!’” (John 1:47). Consider Jesus’ description of the man, “an Israelite indeed…” This distinguishes between a merely physical lineage (born a Jew), and one who is truly faithful to the law of Moses, seeking to serve God. “For they are not all Israel who are of Israel” (Romans 9:6).
Sermon: Hearts of Servants
The Lord’s admonition of his disciples in Matthew 20:24-28 expresses very clearly that as Christians we should not seek exaltation, but should have the hearts of servants.
Sermon: Tim Stevens Meeting, Spring 2019
1 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to the Future of the Church?
2 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Forgiveness?
3 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Anger?
4 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Time?
5 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Attitude Toward God’s Word?
6 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to My Influence?
7 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Humility & Servitude?
8 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Repentance?
9 – Is My Heart Right with Regard to Persecution & Endurance?
Sermon: Valiant Gideon
The lesson is a textual examination of Judges 6-8, which records the life and person of Gideon, a valiant man of God. Several applications that are germane to us can be made.
Humility Examined
Humility is a trait that every Christian should possess. Consider that God rewards it, and rejects its antithesis. “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6).
The word humble (tapeinos) is defined by Thayer: 1) not rising far from the ground. 2) metaphorically: a) as a condition, lowly, of low degree; b) brought low with grief, depressed; c) lowly in spirit, humble.
Consider the primary definition, something low to the ground. It serves as a wonderful picture of what it means to be humble. It is not surprising that the picture we have of pride is that of one who has his nose high up in the air.