Category: Wives


The Home as God Would Have It

When we talk about the home as God would have it  be, there are numerous admonitions given: to the husband/father, to the wife/mother, and to the children. Let’s look at a few passages, and make a few observations about each. Continue reading “The Home as God Would Have It”

Sermon: How Should a Woman Define Her Purpose?

Aaron Collier, in this short lesson, explains that women, and in fact everyone, should define their purpose in life in accord with God’s will.

Sermon: Spring Meeting, 2021 with JR Bronger

Bronger Meeting

JR Bronger from Blue Springs, MO preached a wonderful series of gospel sermons for the West Side congregation, May 1-6, 2021:

Saturday PM: The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9)

Sunday 1st Service: Evangelizing the World

  • In the first century, Christians were able to spread the gospel throughout the known world, despite opposition and challenges. If we have the same mindset today, we can be just as successful!
  • Facebook Live Video of Sermon

Sunday Class: Successful Marriages

Sunday 2nd Service: The Hate of Christ and Christians

Monday PM: Christians Are Running a Race

Tuesday PM: A Rebel Returns

Wednesday PM: Do You Want to be Made Well?

  • If you really wish for spiritual healing, you must stop thinking of yourself as a victim, stop blaming others for your failings, free yourself from fear and recognize the difference between wanting relief, and wanting a cure.
  • Facebook Live Video of Sermon

Thursday PM: Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart

  • There were three responsible parties in the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. God Himself with His demands. The wicked court magicians. And most prominently, Pharaoh himself.
  • Facebook Live Video of Sermon

An Excellent Wife (Or Husband)

Bible couple

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones” (Proverbs 12:4).

The book of Proverbs was written by a father desiring to share wisdom with his son. In this case, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. We can as easily state that an excellent husband is a true blessing, but a husband that causes shame is like a cancer to his wife.

This truth is why it is so important to choose carefully the one who will be your companion for life. Jesus said, “So then they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. No man or woman has the right to renege on that commitment. The decision to marry has an impact not only on the rest of your life, but on your eternal destiny. When choosing, it is important to marry one who will help you to reach heaven. Be sure that no other person in your life will have a greater impact upon your standing with God.

It is possible to overcome a bad choice. However, it is not easy. There will always be regret and difficulty if your life companion is an obstacle rather than a blessing.

Choose wisely and well!

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