Category: Sermons

Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files

Sermon: A Divisive Christ?

A discussion of Matthew 10:21-42 showing that reconciliation and peace with God, though it is valuable and secures us blessings, sometimes will cause division with even our closest family members.

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Sermon: The Sin of Gossip

Gossip is one of the most damaging and insidious sins that can be committed. The tongue is a dangerous weapon that needs constant surveillance!

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Sermon: The Integrity of Joseph (Genesis 50)

A discussion of Genesis 50, showing what kind of man Joseph was in his response to his brothers’ petitions.

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Sermon: Joses Barnabas (Son of Encouragement)

A discussion of the example of Barnabas, the companion of Paul and a great minister of God in his own right. There is much to emulate from his example.

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Sermon: The Just Shall Live By Faith

An examination of the phrase found in Habakkuk 2:4, establishing the difference between the proud and insolent, and the believer who humbles himself before God.

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Sermon: Psalm 10

A lesson that discusses the teaching of Psalm 10, showing the care and protection of the righteous by God.

Sermon: Stones and Serpents

An application of Matthew 7:7-12, as it applies to mistakes we can make as parents in raising our children. All Christian parents need to take heed!

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Sermon: Congregational Resolutions for 2024

Our last 9am sermon of the year looks forward to a prosperous and zealous year 2024 from the members at West Side.

Sermon: Repay No One Evil for Evil

As Christians, we are to emulate the goodness and love of Jesus Christ as we interact with enemies, and those who disappoint or use us.

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Sermon: Has Israel Been Rejected? (Romans 11)

A short examination of the text of Romans 11, as the apostle notes the way in which both Jews and Gentiles are redeemed under the New Covenant.

Sermon: Why Keep Jesus Waiting?

Though Jesus is at the door of our heart, knocking, and desiring entrance to save men, there are numerous reasons why men refuse to answer His invitation. The lesson deals with four such reasons.

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Sermon: Self-Sacrifice

A discussion of 1 Corinthians 9, where Paul notes his right to wages, but his unwillingness to exercise that right, as an example of self-denial, fully discussed in chapters 8-10.

Sermon: Lessons from 1 Thessalonians

In this lesson, speaker Tommy Davis surveys 1 Thessalonians, pointing out and commenting on some of the lessons Paul taught to this faithful and dedicate group.

Sermon: Emotion VS Emotionalism

There is a difference between having an emotion connection with the Lord due to your faith and relationship with Him, and being subjective in your assessment of your obedience, which is prevalent, and an example of Emotionalism.

Jesus Christ – Done, Doing, Will Do

The lesson examines the ascension of Jesus, His present reign upon His throne, and His promise of a future return. All to benefit you and me!

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