Category: Sermons

Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files

“I Am Going Fishing”

Why in John 21 did Peter say, “I am going fishing”? We don’t know for sure, but we do know he was grieved for betraying Jesus on the night of his death. And, we know when he helped to establish the kingdom he remained faithful unto death.

Sermon: Truly God is Good

Psalm 73 is used by guest speaker Jeremiah Cox to show that through our darkness and doubt, God offers us faith and hope, and shows His goodness toward us.

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:

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Sermon: Fear’s Snare and Faith’s Haven

Guest speaker Jeremiah Cox discusses Proverbs 29:25, showing that trust in God overcomes any fear that is caused by man.

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Sermon: Spirit and Truth

Justin Carrell discusses Jesus’ meaning in answering the Samaritan woman’s question regarding the proper place to worship God, recorded in John 4.

Sermon: Building on God’s Foundation (1 Corinthians 3)

A discussion of the meaning of 1 Corinthians 3:1-15, from the carnality of elevating mere men, to the types of materials (gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw) used to build God’s building.

Fall Meeting 2023 (Wayne Fancher)

Below are the 9 lessons, both audio and video, that Wayne Fancher preached for the West Side congregation from November 4-9, 2023.  We commend them to you.

11/4 (Saturday Night)

Continual Reorientation in An Ever Changing World


11/5 (9am Sermon, Sunday)

Little By Little


11/5 (10am Class, Sunday)

Lessons from the Parable of the Prodigal Son


11/5 (11am Sermon, Sunday)

How To Fight Sinking When We Are Hit By Sorrow Upon Sorrow


11/6 (Monday Night)

The Different Aspects of Faith


11/7 (Tuesday Night)

God Who Makes the Broken Beautiful


11/8 (Wednesday Class @ 10am)

She Has Done What She Could


11/8 (Wednesday Evening Sermon)

Spiritual Collateral Damage and Blessings


11/9 (Thursday Night)

Soldiers of Christ Arise and Put Your Armor On


Sermon: Efforts at Evangelism

The efforts of the apostles and other preachers of the New Testament, revealed in the book of Acts, served two purposes. First, to save souls. Second, to equip those souls to be soul winners themselves.

Sermon: The Risen Christ, Our Hope

Stan discusses the text of 1 Corinthians 15, showing the ultimate hope of life for the child of God, based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sermon: Israel at War

A discussion of the proper attitude of the Christian regarding the present war in Israel, and what God’s word says about the nation of Israel as a whole.

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:

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Sermon: A Suitable Helper

Invitation: Justin Carrell. Justin examines the phrase, “helper suitable” or “help meet” which is used in Genesis to refer to the woman’s relationship to the man.

Sermon: Exhortations to Philippi

A discussion of Philippians 4:1-9, where the apostle gives some beneficial exhortations to a church he loved.

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Sermon: Warnings From Hebrews

A number of warnings concerning improper attitudes toward the word of God, given by the writer of Hebrews.

What Happens When We Are Faithful?

Ian Tilley talks about the benefits as well as the cost of being a faithful child of God.

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:

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Sermon: Characteristics Needed for True Faith

Ian Tilley describes a few of the characteristics needed to have true faith.

Sermon: Can You Get Away With It?

A lesson discussing the oft asked question, “Is there anyway to get away with sin?”

Sermon Powerpoint View and Download:

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