Category: Sermons
Sermons Preached at West Side. Outlines, PPT Presentations and Audio files
Sermon: The Righteous
The world needs righteous people to improve and protect culture and humanity. It needs to be righteousness as defined by God. The sermon declares how the righteous help.
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Sermon: Gospel Preaching
A treatment of the proper attitude and actions we should take as Christians in seeking to share the gospel message with others. We must be tactful and show love for others, but never compromise our defense of truth!
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Sermon: Empty and Swept
A discussion of Matthew 12:43-45 explaining the main purpose of Jesus’ teaching here, and making several applications regarding the need to grow spiritually lest we fall from the faith!
Sermon: The Chief Cornerstone
In Acts 4:8-12 the apostle Peter admonished the Sanhedrin for rejecting the Christ, whom the Father in Heaven declared to be the chief cornerstone. Jesus Christ is the singular name by which all men are saved!
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Sermon: Do Not Be Ashamed
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. His conviction made him always to be willing to proclaim boldly God’s message. His example is one we seek to emulate (2 Timothy 1:8-12).
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Sermon: 7 Keys to Raising Godly Children
Every Christian parent wants to raise their children to be faithful disciples of the Lord. Here are 7 things we can implement that will help to ensure that eventuality.
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Sermon: Jesus’ Walk on the Water
Some observations we can make and learn from taken from the miraculous walk of Jesus in Matthew 14:22-33
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Sermon: “Yet You Say” (Malachi 1-3)
A discussion of the first of the prophet Malachi where God admonishes the Jews, and they respond inappropriately to His chastisements.
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Sermon: Bad Things Happen
In life, catastrophes and trials happen often. One argument skeptics make: “If God is good, why do these things happen?” We seek to answer this question, and point out what we can do to help.
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Sermon: True and Righteous are Your Judgments
A discussion of Revelation 16:4-7, showing the glory and preeminence of God, along with His justice and mercy. And the punishment of ungodly men.
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Sermon: Will So Come in Like Manner
A discussion of the second coming of Christ. What it means, and what will happen?
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Sermon: The Words of Elihu
Job’s 4th companion speaks in chapters 32-37 with some powerful words about the Graciousness, Justice, and power of God.
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Husbands and Wives
A discussion of Ephesians 5:22-23, noting Paul’s obligations to the wife (submission) and the husband (love) in the text.
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“I Am the True Vine”
A discussion of John 15:1-8, discussing lessons learning about the Vine (Jesus) as well as the blessings and obligations the branches (Christians) have, being part of the Vine.
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Sermon: At the Crossroads!
Matthew 7 indicates two “ways” that can be taken. Either to life or destruction. This illustrates for us the consequences of choices we make in life. Applications are made.
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