Category: Evangelism

Subject: Evangelism

Invitation: The word of the Lord may run swiftly

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

The invitation discusses Paul’s prayer request to the Thessalonians in 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3. An application is made to the phrase, “that the word of the Lord may run swiftly”, and the understanding that men who reject the faith are “unreasonable and wicked.”


Sermon: Admonitions to Young Preachers – 4

In this final of four lessons on the subject, the sermon discusses Paul’s admonition to Timothy to contend for the truth as a young preacher.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Admonitions to Young Preachers – 2

Second lesson in a series of four consisting of a survey of 1 Timothy. This lesson consists of the work that Paul charges Timothy and all evangelists to do.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Admonitions to Young Preachers 1

First lesson in a series of four consisting of a survey of 1 Timothy. This lesson consists of the character that should be present in the lives of a young evangelist.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Fall Meeting 2013 (Jerry Fite)

The following wonderful lessons were preached by Jerry Fite at the West Side church from November 2-7, 2013. There were 9 lessons in all, with sermon audio and PPTX files supplied for each.

Unity in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12)
(Saturday, November 2, 2013)

  • A study of 1 Corinthians 12 explaining in the context of spiritual gifts, that the purpose of a unified spiritual body is edification. The Corinthians were to exercise their spiritual gifts to edify all, as they were united in loving care for one another.


Powerpoint Slides

The New Testament Canon
(Sunday Bible Class, November 3, 2013)

  • The lesson discusses the canon of scripture, and how it is obtained. The point is made that the church did not determine what books were conanical. Rather, they acknowledged what all understood to be true.


Powerpoint Slides

Why Do You Do Good Works? (Ephesians 2:10)
(Sunday AM Worship, November 3, 2013)

  • We are to do good works as a second opportunity to truly live. We are alive by the grace of God, and therefore should be zealous for good works.


Powerpoint Slides

Applying the Minister’s Checklist (1 Timothy 4:15-16)
(Sunday PM Worship, November 3, 2013)

  • Paul revealed to Timothy certain things that should be present for him to be effective as an evangelist. In application, brother Fite asks, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every child of God in the local church observed the checklist as well?


Powerpoint Slides

Hold to the Pattern of Sound Words (2 Timothy 1:13)
(Monday, November 4, 2013)

  • In application, brother Fites calls for faithfulness to the gospel pattern in areas such as Music in worship, Benevolence, Evangelism and the plan of Salvation.


Powerpoint Slides

Must I Forgive? Then How?
(Tuesday, November 5, 2013)

  • Jesus indicated in Matthew 6 that we must forgive others if we wish to be forgiven. The lesson examines the obligation to forgive, and what to do if a person is unwilling to ask forgiveness of us.


Powerpoint Slides

Pay Attention to Your Speech (James 3:1-12)
(Wednesday AM Class, November 6, 2013)

  • An expository lesson discussing James 3. Brother Fite calls for us to pay attention to our speech. Our speech should bless, edify, give grace to those who hear, and be full of thanksgiving.


Powerpoint Slides

A Plan for Raising Children to be Joyous Christians
(Wednesday PM, November 6, 2013)

  • How do we raise joyous children? By helping them to know: The Lord is the Creator of all; their Savior from sin; their High priest; and the presenter of the Crown of Eternal Life.


Powerpoint Slides

Before the Judgment Seat
(Thursday, November 7, 2013)

  • When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, some will be surprised. Because they are classed among the wicked; they will be the last rather than the first, they will be lost because they were not abounding in the work of the Lord. Live so that you will not be surprised at the judgment seat of Christ.


Powerpoint Slides

Mining the Scriptures: Mark 1:16-20


Early in His ministry, Jesus came across four men, who He made the first of His apostles. They were two sets of brothers, Simon and Andrew, and James and John.

Several well known details are enumerated here. One, that James and John were sons of Zebedee. Two, that all four of the men were fishermen by trade. Jesus later gave Simon the name Peter (cf. Mark 3:16).

While Matthew, Luke and especially John have things to say about the call of these men, we want to especially note the phrase used by Jesus as recorded in Mark, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (vs. 17). These words clearly establish the importance of the work they were to begin. While they were engaged in secular work, their occupation was an honorable and important one. Fishing was important in Galilee — a source of commerce and sustenance for the people. But, the idea of fishing for men — cleverly indicating the work of witnessing and preaching the Christ of God — is compelling. There is no greater use of our time and effort than that of fishing for men. When we catch them, (convert them), we have given them the most valuable gift imaginable — Salvation!

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:1-2


The apostle Paul identifies the individual to whom he writes this epistle, Timothy, as his “true son in the faith” (2). Timothy probably first heard the gospel preached by Paul during his first visit to Lystra (Acts 14). The first record of their acquaintance is mentioned in Acts 16:1-2. There is no direct indication in scripture that Paul was the one who shared the gospel with the young man, his mother and grandmother, but it is very probable. Timothy’s mother and grandmother were wonderful spiritual influences for him (cf. 2 Timothy 1:5).

Timothy was a companion and fellow worker with Paul in his ministry. He traveled with him on both his second and third preaching tours. He visited Paul while in prison, as recorded in Philippians 1:1, and was himself imprisoned for his faith, as indicated in Hebrews 13:23. He was a faithful evangelist, and Paul was his mentor. It is not surprising that Paul would call him his “true son in the faith.”

Paul’s salutation was typical of his epistles. It is notable that he repeats here his claim that his apostleship is by the “commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope” (2), rather than a usurpation of authority.

Sermon: Report on Philippine Work 2012

The West Side congregation helped in brother Chip Foster’s support for his recent preaching trip to the Philippines. On the evening of February 19, 2012, brother Foster came to West Side and gave a report of the work done.

Audio (18 MB, 1 hour, 20 minutes)

Powerpoint Slides (54 MB)

The Intolerance of Toleration

ImageI recently came across an internet article listing the 5 most hated YouTube videos in internet history. This list was based upon the number of “thumbs down” designations given. Fifth on the list is the music video, “Baby”, by teen pop singer Justin Bieber. First on the list is a young lady who videotaped her opinion that the earthquake and resultant tsunami that devastated Japan was an answer to prayer, that God might convince the atheist of His existence. Interestingly, the girl later admitted that her video is a hoax, deliberately outrageous with the intent of provoking the ire of viewers.

Continue reading “The Intolerance of Toleration”

Sermon: The Serious Work of Preaching

In his second letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul clearly expressed the serious nature of the work of preaching the gospel. He expected Timothy to take the work seriously, and accomplish the will of the Lord.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: A Trip to the Philippines

The West Side congregation supported brother Chip Foster in a recent preaching trip he took the the Philippines. Brother Foster preaches at the Old Granbury Road church of Christ in Granbury, TX. He was gone from February 21 – March 11, 2011. (Note: The powerpoint file is saved in the 2007 .pptx format, and is very large. 60 MB’s. It contains many photographs in it’s 105 slides).

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

The Work of an Evangelist

In 2 Timothy 4:5, the Apostle Paul exhorted young Timothy, “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” The admonition is serious, and any man who would take on the work should have an understanding of what God requires of him. It is also important that all Christians know what is the evangelist’s work.

Too many times I have heard the simplistic answer, “The evangelist is to evangelize!” The Greek word for evangelist means, “the bringer of good tidings … one who brings good news.” So, looking at the definition, the evangelist preaches the gospel to the lost. When this is contended, it is sometimes intended to limit the work of the evangelist to that single act, preaching to the lost.

Continue reading “The Work of an Evangelist”

From the Preacher’s Pen: Beautiful Feet


In Romans 10:15, the apostle Paul quoted the prophet Isaiah (52:7), writing, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

I am not sure how beautiful Mo Hafley’s feet are, speaking literally. However, they certainly are precious to us, as they have brought him to us for the purpose of proclaiming that wonderful gospel.

In store for us is a week of edification and spiritual feasting. I want to personally encourage every member here at West Side to take full advantage of the preparations made by brother Hafley. Attend each preaching service, listen intently, and invite others to come as well.

Welcome, Mo! We are so pleased that you have come to preach to us the gospel of Christ!

Stan signature

Sermon: Galatians 1

First of six lessons in a series on Galatians.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Mining The Scriptures: Matthew 4:18-22



Matthew 4:18-22

After being tempted by the devil (vs. 1-11) we find in this passage the beginning of Jesus’ preaching ministry (vs. 17). He immediately began to assemble his disciples, and recorded in this passage is his recruitment of Peter, Andrew, James and John. Each of these disciples were fishermen, and Jesus met them as they tended their nets on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Matthew was added to the disciples in chapter 9, and the full list of the twelve is given in chapter 10.

One interesting aspect of this text is Jesus’ play on words as he addressed Peter and Andrew. The Greek states that Peter and Andrew were “fishers” (halieus). Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (halieus anthropos) (vs. 19).

Using the illustration, we are to “lure” men with the gospel of Christ (cf. Romans 1:16). We seek to entice them, and capture them for Christ. In so doing, we benefit them spiritually, as their souls are saved.

Brethren, it is fine to be a fisherman. But it is a far better vocation to be a fisher of men. Christ expected it of his apostles, and he expects it of us as well.