Category: Redemption

Subject: Redemption

Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ is freedom from the bondage of sin, and all that goes along with it. When we are redeemed by Christ’s blood, our burden becomes light, and our destiny is immortality in the presence of the Almighty.

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Struck Down but Not Destroyed

Various texts in the New Testament are examined to contrast the difficulties and limitations of this life as compared to our state and hope in eternity.

Sermon: Paul’s Discourse on Grace

Stan discusses the text of Ephesians 2. Using the context of the passage, he explains the concept of salvation by grace through faith.

The Jerusalem Summit Meeting

Bible Again

In Acts 15, the Holy Spirit reveals the first major doctrinal conflict that troubled God’s people. The question to be answered was, “Do you have to be circumcised according to the custom of Moses to be saved?” The conflict came about because of the missionary work of Paul and Barnabas, which was opposed by some from Judea who claimed that such circumcision had to take place. In other words, one had to become a Jewish proselyte to be saved.

The disagreement reached a head at Antioch, and it was determined that Paul and Barnabas should go to Jerusalem to meet with the apostles and elders about the question, which they did.

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Fall 2022 Meeting with Kyle Campbell


Our Fall Meeting, 2022 with Kyle Campbell, November 5, 2002. A series of fundamental lessons answering fundamental questions.

The theme: “Can you show”

Lesson 1: Can You Show That There is a God? (Saturday)

Lesson 2: Can You Show that the Bible is the Word of God? (Sunday 9AM)

Lesson 3: Can You Show that Jesus Rose from the Dead? (Sunday 10AM)

Lesson 4: Can You Show What the Bible Says? (Sunday 11AM)

Lesson 5: Can You Show That the Bible Can be Understood? (Monday)

Lesson 6: Can You Show How We are Saved? (Tuesday)

Lesson 7: Can You Show What Worship Is? (Wednesday 10AM)

Lesson 8: Can You Show What the Church Does? (Wednesday PM)

Lesson 9: Can You Show That Chrisitans are Moral People (Thursday)


Sermon: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Death Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

A discussion of the rudimentary points of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

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Sermon: The Scarlet Thread of Redemption

The Scarlet Thread

God’s plan for redeeming man runs throughout the entirety of the Bible, tying all of the books from Genesis to Revelation together. An overview of that plan is discussed.

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Sermon: More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors

A discussion of Romans 8:31-39, looking at the context, and the significance of Paul’s words, that we are “More than conquerors through Him who loved us…”

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Sermon: Liberty in Christ Jesus

Liberty in Christ Jesus

We have obtained liberty in Christ. Why would anyone want to return to a law that did not bring liberty, but rather bondage?



Under Mosaic law, there were certain actions and circumstances that rendered a person defiled before God. The Hebrew word translated defiled in the Old Testament texts discussing this state (tâmê) is defined by Strong: to be foul, especially in a ceremonial or moral sense (contaminated).

The reference to ceremonial “foulness” is especially important in light of the Old Testament references to such defilements. While they sometimes refer to moral actions that intrinsically are sinful (such as idolatry, sexual immorality, etc.), often it had reference to things that are not inherently sinful in God’s eyes. Things like childbirth, the touching of a dead body, or a woman’s menstruation.

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Sermon: Propitiation and Atonement

Propitiation And Atonement

Speaker: Tommy Davis

Tommy discusses the Bible terms used to express and explain man’s reconciliation to God

Sermon: Be Reconciled to God


An exegetical study of 2 Corinthians 5:12-21, explaining the importance of Paul’s ministry, and why we should all be striving for reconciliation with our God!

Sermon: The Burning Bush

The Burning Bush

In Exodus 3, Jehovah spoke to Moses from the midst of a bush that burned, but was not consumed. A number of important lessons can be learned from that occasion.

Conveyed into the Kingdom


“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14).

WHO? God. He is the one to whom we owe our inclusion in the kingdom. It was God’s intention from before the world began to redeem us through the sacrifice of His Son (cf. Ephesians 1:3-6).

WHAT? Conveyed. The word is defined by Thayer: “to transpose, transfer, remove from one place to another.” It is otherwise rendered “translated” (KJV), and “transferred” (ESV). Being in the kingdom separates the Christian from all others. He is granted all the privileges of citizenship.

WHEN? Already. Note the word conveyed is in the past tense. Those who are Christians are already in the kingdom. That means that the kingdom is already in existence. Those who believe it is yet to be established are wrong.

WHERE? The kingdom of Christ. The bondage of sin puts us into the domain of the wicked one. However, to be in the kingdom of Christ removes us from the reach of the Devil. We belong to the Lord. “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47). So long as we are citizens in good standing, the Devil can’t touch us.

WHY? Why are we in the kingdom? Because we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ! Any who respond in faith to the gospel of the Lord are automatically worthy of citizenship in the Kingdom of God! Christ died for all, and is the Savior of those who believe! Have you believed the gospel Christ?

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Sermon: I Am the Good Shepherd


Lesson 26 is series:

In John 10, Jesus describes Himself as the Door to the Sheepfold, and the Good Shepherd. The lesson examines the implications of these statements.